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Posit Connect manifests should provide `files` as an object, not an array #815

Open toph-allen opened 6 months ago

toph-allen commented 6 months ago

Manifests for pins deployed to Connect have files fields that are flat arrays.


However, Connect's manifests have files in a JSON object, where the keys are the file names and the values are the checksums, like so:

"files": {
  "data.csv": {
    "checksum": "553e83c5e7e7d606ac0657ce3f805512"
  "data.rds": {
    "checksum": "553e83c5e7e7d606ac0657ce3f805512"
  "index.html": {
    "checksum": "553e83c5e7e7d606ac0657ce3f805512"

So, for example, rsconnect-python cannot deploy manifests that Pins produces.

In the code: pins:::rsc_bundle_manifest provides the files as a flat array, and references rsconnect::createAppManifest.

In rsconnect::createAppManifest:

  # build the list of files to checksum
  files <- list.files(appDir, recursive = TRUE, all.files = TRUE,
                      full.names = FALSE)

  # provide checksums for all files
  filelist <- list()
  for (file in files) {
    filepath <- file.path(appDir, file)
    checksum <- list(checksum = fileMD5(filepath))
    filelist[[file]] <- I(checksum)