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Maintenance on GH actions #834

Open juliasilge opened 3 weeks ago

juliasilge commented 3 weeks ago

Mainly trying to solve this failure on #832:

══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
── Error ('test-board_url.R:76:3'): can download pin from board_folder version dir ──
Error in `self$start()`: webfakes app subprocess did not start :(
 1. ├─pins::board_url(c(x = board_fake$url())) at test-board_url.R:76:3
 2. │ └─pins:::get_url_format(urls)
 3. │   └─rlang::is_scalar_character(urls)
 4. │     └─rlang::is_character(x, n = 1L)
 5. └─board_fake$url()
 6.   └─self$start()
── Error ('test-board_url.R:94:3'): can download pin from versioned board_folder ──
Error in `self$start()`: webfakes app subprocess did not start :(
 1. ├─pins::board_url(b1_process$url()) at test-board_url.R:94:3
 2. │ └─pins:::get_url_format(urls)
 3. │   └─rlang::is_scalar_character(urls)
 4. │     └─rlang::is_character(x, n = 1L)
 5. └─b1_process$url()
 6.   └─self$start()
── Error ('test-board_url.R:111:3'): pin_meta() works for versioned board ──────
Error in `self$start()`: webfakes app subprocess did not start :(
 1. ├─pins::board_url(b1_process$url()) at test-board_url.R:111:3
 2. │ └─pins:::get_url_format(urls)
 3. │   └─rlang::is_scalar_character(urls)
 4. │     └─rlang::is_character(x, n = 1L)
 5. └─b1_process$url()
 6.   └─self$start()
── Error ('test-board_url.R:137:3'): useful error for missing or unparseable manifest file ──
Error in `self$start()`: webfakes app subprocess did not start :(
  1. ├─testthat::expect_error(board_url(b2$url()), "Failed to access manifest file") at test-board_url.R:137:3
  2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...)
  3. │   └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...)
  4. │     ├─testthat (local) .capture(...)
  5. │     │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  6. │     └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo))
  7. ├─pins::board_url(b2$url())
  8. │ └─pins:::get_url_format(urls)
  9. │   └─rlang::is_scalar_character(urls)
 10. │     └─rlang::is_character(x, n = 1L)
 11. └─b2$url()
 12.   └─self$start()
olivroy commented 3 weeks ago

It is safe to commit this! I saw that the new coverage action sometimes fails on the first try, but works the following times

juliasilge commented 3 weeks ago

This failure is definitely unrelated to your work @olivroy. 👍

There is apparently a new problem with webfakes (which pins uses for testing) on the test coverage PR. I'm going to see if I can figure it out quickly, but if not, I'll merge your PR as is and just live with the test coverage failure for now.