rstudio / r2d3

R Interface to D3 Visualizations
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crosstalk compatible r2d3 #45

Open earowang opened 5 years ago

earowang commented 5 years ago

Thanks for this awesome package.

Since there's no mention about how to make a crosstalk compatible package with r2d3::r2d3() in the website, I'm wondering if it's possible to enable crosstalk inside r2d3() instead of taking htmlwidgets route. If possible, it would be great to have a section on how to make crosstalk compatible.

Thank you so much.

jjallaire commented 5 years ago

I think you should be able to use the crosstalk JS library on the client side, but perhaps some work needs to done to allow passing a crosstalk data source at the R level? @jcheng5 what do you know about this?

jcheng5 commented 5 years ago

Probably a little work there, it might be helpful to integrate that logic right into r2d3. @javierluraschi maybe we can discuss tomorrow in person if you'll be around.

timelyportfolio commented 5 years ago

Happy to explore as well... @earowang are you planning to use in Shiny or all in JS?

earowang commented 5 years ago

Thanks for all the responses.

@timelyportfolio the project I'm working on is expected to work in both JS and Shiny, I think. Thanks.