rstudio / rmarkdown-book

R Markdown: The Definitive Guide (published by Chapman & Hall/CRC in July 2018)
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Add workflow for auto build and deployment of book #100

Closed cderv closed 2 years ago

cderv commented 2 years ago

This PR is the last one about deploying our books automatically.

I am still unsure if it is best to use renv or DESCRIPTION + pak. The laster have the advantage to autoinstall sys dep on linux, and allows several explicit ways to provides dependency (like book deps for R chunks in Imports, packages required for creating reference with write_bib() in Suggests, package for deployement in Config/need/deploy for example). But the former have the advantage to lock versions (which could also be an inconvenient.)

Anyway, let's see if that build this way. If you prefere not to use renv, I'll make the switch to DESCRIPTION.

cderv commented 2 years ago

This is now working at last. I removed renv and went with a simple DESCRIPTION as in the cookbook. Dealing with system dependencies of some R dependencies of our direct dependencies is painful.

I let you have a look and gave feedback before merging.

After that we'll be able to more efficiently update chapters of the book and get the version online automatically. That will be better!