rstudio / rmarkdown

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Can rmarkdown import rtf file as is? #2247

Open lzhou71 opened 3 years ago

lzhou71 commented 3 years ago
yihui commented 3 years ago
`r xfun::file_string("your-file.rtf")`
lzhou71 commented 3 years ago

Hi Yihui,

Could not reply to my issue in github since it is closed. However I meant the word rtf table as attached rather than the string rtf. Is there a way to import it and show this table in rmarkdown?

Thanks, Lisa

From: Yihui Xie @.> Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 2:09 PM To: rstudio/rmarkdown @.> Cc: Zhou, Lisa [JRDUS] @.>; Author @.> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [rstudio/rmarkdown] Can rmarkdown import rtf file as is? (Issue #2247)

`r xfun::file_string("your-file.rtf")`

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cderv commented 3 years ago

Hi @lzhou12,

I am reopening the issue here, but you should still be able to comment on Github in an issue even when closed.

Please follow the issue guide ( and provide details about what you mean.

You only provided a title in your issue and no description for context. We have no details, this is not really possible for you to help you.

For question on how to do things (and not specifically issues), please consider Q&A sites like or Stackoverflow.

Thank you

cderv commented 2 years ago

@lzhou12 you did not provide more information on what you want to do exactly, We can't help further without any more information.

I'll close this soon if you cannot provide more information.

Thank you.