rstudio / rsconnect

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use a custom option when debugging available.packages #1005

Closed aronatkins closed 9 months ago

aronatkins commented 9 months ago

fixes #1002

slodge-work commented 9 months ago

I've tried this locally using:

> devtools::install_github("rstudio/rsconnect", "aron-issue-1002")

It seems to work... However, I'm back in the weird situation where even using a clean new repo and restoring from a git commit I didn't manage to reproduce the original error.

I'll try again later (got other work pressing at the moment)

slodge-work commented 9 months ago

I can confirm that after the fix I only see one RODBC

> devtools::install_github("rstudio/rsconnect", "aron-issue-1002")
> available <- rsconnect:::availablePackages(list(CRAN = ""))
> View(available)
