rstudio / rsconnect

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quarto: engines metadata is vector, not singular #1017

Closed aronatkins closed 8 months ago

aronatkins commented 8 months ago

Quarto content can report multiple engines, which arrives as the metadata argument to deployApp() and others.

That metadata is eventually serialized into a deployment record. The presence of multiple engines causes rsconnect to write two records into a single DCF file.

record <- rsconnect:::deploymentRecord(
    name = "the-name",
    title = "the-title",
    username = "the-username",
    account = "the-account",
    server = "the-server",
    metadata = list(quarto_engines = c("knitr","markdown"))
t <- tempfile()
rsconnect:::writeDeploymentRecord(record, t)
#>      name       title       username       account       server       hostUrl
#> [1,] "the-name" "the-title" "the-username" "the-account" "the-server" ""     
#> [2,] "the-name" "the-title" "the-username" "the-account" "the-server" ""     
#>      appId bundleId url version quarto_engines
#> [1,] ""    ""       ""  "1"     "knitr"       
#> [2,] ""    ""       ""  "1"     "markdown"

We serialize envVars to a comma-separated list, but take no similar action for other multi-value fields.

aronatkins commented 8 months ago

Discovered while investigating

aronatkins commented 8 months ago

The RStudio IDE sends a vector of engines:

The quarto R package also provides a vector:

Additionally, rsconnect can compute a vector of engines:

The vector of engines is used when determining if R or Python are needed:

That data is also sent in the manifest.json to guide environment reconstruction.

We should convert metadata fields from vectors to a comma-separated string when writing the DCF file, but can probably leave them in that form when the DCF file is read.

aronatkins commented 8 months ago

A consequence of this problem: The RStudio IDE could show two target deployments when one existed, and publishing attempts fail with errors like:

── Preparing for deployment ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error in `rsconnect::deployApp()`:
! This directory has been previously deployed in multiple places.
Please use `appName`, `server` or `account` to disambiguate.
Known applications:
• quarto-failed-republish (server: SERVERNAME / username: USERNAME):
• quarto-failed-republish (server: SERVERNAME / username: USERNAME):
 1. └─rsconnect::deployApp(...)
 2.   └─rsconnect:::deploymentTarget(...)
 3.     └─rsconnect:::disambiguateDeployments(appDeployments, error_call = error_call)
 4.       └─rsconnect:::cli_menu(...)
 5.         └─cli::cli_abort(c(header, not_interactive), .envir = .envir, call = error_call)
 6.           └─rlang::abort(...)
Execution halted