rstudio / rsconnect

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accountInfo() produces name and username fields #1025

Closed aronatkins closed 8 months ago

ChaitaC commented 8 months ago

FindAccountInfo accurately retrieves the user's name and username.

Verification Steps:

  1. Install the 'remotes' package.
  2. Install 'rsconnect' version 0.8.29 using the
    remotes::install_version("rsconnect", version = "0.8.29")
  3. Confirm that you now have 'rsconnect' version 0.8.29 in your IDE.
  4. Connect your account.
  5. Deploy an application.
  6. Disconnect your account.
    • Update 'rsconnect':
  7. Remove the old 'rsconnect' installation.
  8. Install the latest 'rsconnect' version from GitHub.
  9. Reconnect your account.
  10. Deploy an application.
> rsconnect:::findAccountInfo("ChaitaTest", "")
[1] "ChaitaTest"

[1] "119"

[1] "Tdb6971e2395efb2e9802aa916a67b1"

[1] ""

[1] "MIIEpA... (redacted)"

[1] "ChaitaTest"

Restarting R session...

> rsconnect:::findAccountInfo("ChaitaTest", "")
[1] "ChaitaTest"

[1] "xxxx"

[1] "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

[1] ""

[1] "(redacted)"

[1] "ChaitaTest"