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Fail more explicitly with envManagementR = TRUE on #1043

Open LukasWallrich opened 4 months ago

LukasWallrich commented 4 months ago

Due to issues with my Shiny dependencies, I tried to set envManagementR = TRUE in deployApp ... without really knowing what to do, but thinking that it would not do any harm. This results in an error (below) that I did not trace back to this for quite a while - probably it's just me, but a clearer error and/or documentation entry would have saved quite a lot of frustration here.

## Begin Task Log ##############################################################
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 1382728968 failed: Error parsing manifest: Schema validation failed: Additional properties are not allowed ('environment' was unexpected)

Failed validating 'additionalProperties' in schema:
    {'$schema': 'http://json-sch
Execution halted