rstudio / rsconnect

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Errors with deployment due to "Unsupported R version 4.4.2" #1120

Open aylapear opened 8 hours ago

aylapear commented 8 hours ago

Since the update to the newest version of R we have been unable to deploy our apps and are getting this error:

Unhandled Exception: Unsupported R version 4.4.2 for operating system jammy.

Here is the trackback output from the error

> traceback()
9: stop(fallback)
8: signal_abort(cnd)
7: cnd_signal(entraced)
6: rlang::entrace(cnd)
5: h(simpleError(msg, call))
4: .handleSimpleError(function (cnd) 
   rlang::entrace(cnd), "Unhandled Exception: child_task=XXXXX child_task_status=error: Unhandled Exception: Unsupported R version 4.4.2 for operating system jammy.", 
3: stop(status$error, call. = FALSE)
2: client$waitForTask(taskId, quiet)
1: rsconnect::deployApp(account = "XXXX", appName = "XXXX", 
       forceUpdate = TRUE)

Many users have posted about this issue on various platforms over the last month with no resolution other than downgrading R either manually or using a package management system like renv.

Is there a timeline estimate for when this will be fixed so we can use R 4.4.2 for deployment?

samperman commented 7 hours ago

Sorry I don't have a firm timeline, but it should be within the next couple weeks.