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Implement alternative to OpenSSL RSA keygen #452

Closed aronatkins closed 2 years ago

aronatkins commented 4 years ago

A customer has an issue with this code:

The call to openssl::rsa_keygen is producing a FIPS error:

> rsconnect::connectUser(server='mylocaldeployserver')
Error: OpenSSL error in EVP_DigestInit_ex: disabled for fips

This issue is closely related to #378, which hit FIPS errors while using MD5.

(Internal: See support ticket 51376).

aronatkins commented 4 years ago

Here is a Dockerfile showing the error coming from openssl::rsa_keygen (called by rsconnect:::generateToken):

FROM centos:centos7

RUN yum -y install epel-release

RUN yum -y install \
        dracut-fips \
        libcurl-devel \
        openssl-devel \

# Install R
RUN wget${OS_IDENTIFIER}/pkgs/R-${R_VERSION}-1-1.x86_64.rpm && \
    yum -y install ./R-${R_VERSION}-1-1.x86_64.rpm && \
    ln -s /opt/R/${R_VERSION}/bin/R /usr/bin/R && \
    ln -s /opt/R/${R_VERSION}/bin/Rscript /usr/bin/Rscript && \
    ln -s /opt/R/${R_VERSION}/lib/R /usr/lib/R && \
    rm R-${R_VERSION}-1-1.x86_64.rpm && \
    yum clean all

RUN R --slave --vanilla -e 'install.packages(c("openssl"), repos = "")'

CMD ["Rscript", "-e", "openssl::rsa_keygen(2048L)"]
docker build -t rsconnect-fips -f Dockerfile.openssl_rsa .
docker run --rm rsconnect-fips
# => Error: OpenSSL error in EVP_DigestInit_ex: disabled for fips
# => Execution halted
ricardofandrade commented 4 years ago

It may be key length:

Or key format:

ricardofandrade commented 4 years ago

A workaround is using API keys:

> rsconnect::addConnectServer("", "example")
Server 'example' added successfully: https://example/__api__
> rsconnect::connectApiUser("user", "example", "<api key>")
Account registered successfully: user
JosiahParry commented 3 years ago

In the python library hashlib the .md5 function has argument usedForSecurity which, when set to False enables the use of md5 when fips is enables. This is the motivations behind Is it possible to implement the same thing with rsconnect? That would permit my customers to connect via the gui

JosiahParry commented 3 years ago

This issue has been resolved for python users on RSC. However this issue continues to persist for R users. Is there a plan to resolve this? The use of FIPS is a challenge for our customers in the IC.

JsizzleR commented 3 years ago

Customer that would benefit from this issue:

atheriel commented 2 years ago

I believe this is a bug that we can't work around without upstream changes. The reproducible example by @aronatkins above is actually incorrect, but related. Building the same Docker image and running through the token generation code manually:

$ docker run --rm --entrypoint=bash -it rsconnect-fips
[root@0d82b833db72 /]# R --silent
> key <- openssl::rsa_keygen(2048) 
> priv.der <- openssl::write_der(key) 
> pub.der <- openssl::write_der(key$pubkey) 
Error: OpenSSL error in EVP_DigestInit_ex: disabled for fips
> traceback()
11: rawhash(x, algo, key)
10: rawstringhash(x, "md5", key)
9: md5(fp)
8: as.list.pubkey(pubkey)
7: as.list(pubkey)
6: as.list.key(x)
5: as.list(x)
4: `$.key`(k, pubkey)
3: k$pubkey
2: der_export(x)
1: openssl::write_der(k$pubkey)

This indicates that when the openssl packages generates DER for a public key it will (1) actually generate the public key on the fly from the raw bytes of the private key; and (2) in doing so compute a fingerprint, which is hardcoded to use MD5 (which fails due to FIPS).

A related issue is also the cause of the reproducible failure posted above:

> openssl::rsa_keygen(2048)
Error: OpenSSL error in EVP_DigestInit_ex: disabled for fips
> traceback()
7: rawhash(x, algo, key)
6: rawstringhash(x, "md5", key)
5: hashfun(unlist(unname(hashdata)))
4: fingerprint.pubkey(pk)
3: fingerprint(pk)
2: print.key(x)
1: (function (x, ...) 

That is, printing a key will also call some code that generates a nice, user-friendly, hardcoded-to-MD5 fingerprint of the key.

In sum: the openssl package hardcodes MD5 hashes in a few places. On FIPS-compliant systems, these calls will always fail. I think some upstream changes are warranted in this case, I'll try to submit some PRs and see what the response is like.

atheriel commented 2 years ago

This has been fixed in the upstream openssl package, now on CRAN at version 2.0.0. I've tested on both RHEL8 and CentOS7:

> openssl::fips_mode()
[1] TRUE
> rsconnect:::generateToken()

I'll submit a PR bumping our Import to 2.0.0, which should fix this for users on a fresh install.