rstudio / rticles

LaTeX Journal Article Templates for R Markdown
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AAAS science template #320

Open jcolomb opened 4 years ago

jcolomb commented 4 years ago

"LaTeX users should use our LaTeX template and either convert files to Microsoft Word .docx or submit a PDF file"

info and links to templates:

cderv commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion ! If you want to submit a PR or anyone else, we will be happy to review it.

sasank89 commented 3 years ago


I would like to volunteer to work on this. The only issue is that this would be first time contributing to open-source and to templates. So, I would be extremely grateful for any help along the way.

Steps I have taken so far -

  1. Forked the repo
  2. Created a branch 'aaas-science'

I have copied the PR checklist from one of the recent PRs. I am hoping to use that to complete it and then open a pull request. Please let me know of any steps that I am missing along the way. The checklist being -

- [ ] Unless you have done it in any other RStudio's projects before, please sign the individual or corporate contributor agreement for a significant pull request (it is fine not to sign it if a PR is only intended to fix a few typos). You can send the signed copy to
- [ ] Add the journalname_article() function to R/article.R if the output format is simple enough, otherwise create a separate R/journalname_article.R.
- [ ] Add the Pandoc LaTeX template inst/rmarkdown/templates/journalname/resources/template.tex.
- [ ] Add a skeleton article inst/rmarkdown/templates/journalname/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd.
- [ ]  Add a description of the template inst/rmarkdown/templates/journalname/template.yaml.
- [ ] Please include the document class file (*.cls) if needed, but please do not include standard LaTeX packages (*.sty) that can be downloaded from CTAN. If you are using TinyTeX or TeX Live, you can verify if a package is available on CTAN via tinytex::parse_packages(files = "FILENAME"") (e.g., when FILENAME is plain.bst, it should return "bibtex", which means this file is from a standard CTAN package). Please keep the number of new files absolutely minimal (e.g., do not include PDF output files), and also make examples minimal (e.g., if you need a .bib example, try to only leave one or two bibliography entries in it, and don't include too many items in it without using all of them).
- [ ] Update Rd and namespace (could be done by devtools::document()).
- [ ] Update NEWS.
- [ ] Update README with a link to the newly supported journal. Please add your Github username and the full name of the journal (follow other examples in the list).
- [ ] Add a test to tests/testit/test-formats.R by adding a line test_format("journalname"). We try to keep them in alphabetical order.
- [ ] Add your name to the list of authors Authors@R in DESCRIPTION. You don't need to bump the package version in DESCRIPTION.

Thank you in advance.

cderv commented 3 years ago

Hi @sasank89 ! That is awesome news!

Best thing to do is to look at others PR (we've linked them by articles into the README). The PR template should remind you of what is important - if something is missing, tell us and we'll update.

About some technical resources, it is also in the README:

Basically, you need to now about Pandoc templates and the use of variables so that some parameters can be passed from YAML header to the template. Creating a template for rticles is in fact transforming a TeX template for the Journal, to a Pandoc template to include inside the package. All the R features from Rmd would then be available.

Feel free to ping me anytime. You can also create a PR even if not finished by setting it as Draft. That way we can discuss directly on your code if you want.


sasank89 commented 3 years ago

Hi @cderv !

Thank you so much for the insight. It has really helped me get started on working with the Pandoc template. I will work on it further and get back to you when I need any help.

Thank you!

cderv commented 3 years ago

@jcolomb there is currently a PR by @sasank89 for this template you suggested to add in rticles. If you know this journal, maybe you'll be able to help him with it.

Just a heads up, if case you can / want to help. Cheers!

sasank89 commented 3 years ago

Thank you @cderv for your encouragement, despite me being new to programming itself and to contributing to open source. I am still continuing to work on the code and am reading more about the pandoc templates. Hopefully, will complete this over the next few weeks.

jcolomb commented 3 years ago

It could be cool if you would make the yaml of this template follow the one described at I do not have much time at the moment, but will keep an eye on this. thanks for doing the hard work!

cderv commented 3 years ago

Thanks @jcolomb ! This would be indeed great ! For reference your request is related to

Unfortunately, this is also highly dependent on what the LaTeX template from the journal accept for the author part. When they correctly consider authors as multiple independent \author this helps. When they consider one author field for all of them with no special command logic for adresses or else, it is more difficult. (see this specific template and discussion in the PR).

However, this would be possible with Pandoc using Lua filter that would parse this metadata and format as expected by the journal in Lua directly. This would require some work but could be a great addition to your project to have an example on how to do such thing.

Using Pandoc template only has the limitation of the syntax.

Thanks for the heads up on this !

cderv commented 2 years ago

For those interested in this template, there is a PR that has been opened for it #486 by @christopherkenny. Giving it a try would help test it.