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CSS sheet #147

Closed CSHJitu closed 5 years ago

CSHJitu commented 5 years ago

I want to know that where did u get the tags information to create the CSS file. Whether u have inspected the app and pulled the tags from the inspect page or u have created the tags by yourself and then included in the inspect file. If later is true then I want to know how to do it.

I have a code for rendertext element the display of which is based on the following codes

ui<- fluidpage( box(
selectInput("family", "Family", choices = Animals$Animal_Family), selectInput("name", "Name", choices = Animals$Animal_Name), selectInput("family", "Race", choices = Animals$Animal_Race), selectInput("family", "Activity", choices = Animals$Animal_Activity), selectInput("family", "Sex", choices = Animals$Animal_Sex)), box(textoutput("text1")) server<- function(input,output,session){ output$text1<- renderText({ paste("Family:",input$family,"Name:" input$name,"Race:",input$race,"Activity:" input$activity,"Sex:",input$sex)) }) }

Here Family, Race etc. are field names. I want a particular order to show the inputs of these field names.

I am giving a screenshot of my app display specific to the Field display and some comments on how I like it to be resolved.

Any help from your side will be highly appreciated. CSS_Query.docx