rstudio / shiny

Easy interactive web applications with R
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nested eventReactive silent `error:` #1572

Open yonicd opened 7 years ago

yonicd commented 7 years ago

the code below has a nested eventReactive call. where buttons activate eventReactive that is then used in another one.

i get a silent error that i can only see when i step into the last eventReactive. shiny tries to solve the issue by not crashing but returning that no event was taken, which is not the case when there are 2 events i want to track.

is there a way to work around this silent error problem?

  ui = fluidPage(
           actionButton("buttonA", "button a"),
           actionButton("buttonB", "button b")

  server = function(input, output) {







      aceEditor(outputId = 'layerAce',value=layerTxt,
                mode = "r", theme = "chrome", 
                height = "100px", fontSize = 12,wordWrap = T)

      aceEditor(outputId = 'themeAce',value=themeTxt,
                mode = "r", theme = "chrome", 
                height = "100px", fontSize = 12,wordWrap = T)

daattali commented 7 years ago

potentially related to

wch commented 7 years ago

@yonicd Is it possible to provide a simplified version of the code? It's not clear to me what exactly the question or problem is, so a more detailed explanation would also be helpful.

yonicd commented 7 years ago

sorry, that is the simplest version of the problem as far as i can create one.

an explanation would be to assume that you have an eventReactive (eR1) that is conditioned on two objects. they are themselves eventReactive (eR2,eR3) and are triggered by actionButtons (aB1,aB2). until both buttons are clicked any call to eR1 will be thrown to a silent error by shiny.

does that make more sense?

alandipert commented 5 years ago

Hi, I wasn't able to reproduce this, but I wasn't also entirely sure how to reproduce it. When you have a spare moment, would you please confirm this is still an issue, and if it is, perhaps elaborate on how I should reproduce?

Thanks, and sorry to take so long to get back to you.

yonicd commented 5 years ago

to say the truth it been a while. I just reran the code i used in original issue comment and the error still is there. when the browser invokes try to run b().

> library(shiny)
> library(shinyAce)
> shinyApp(
+   ui = fluidPage(
+     sidebarPanel(
+       uiOutput('x1'),
+       uiOutput('x2')),
+     mainPanel(
+       actionButton("buttonA", "button a"),
+       actionButton("buttonB", "button b")
+     )
+   ),
+   server = function(input, output) {
+     a<-reactive({
+       input$buttonA
+     })
+     a1<-reactive({
+       input$buttonB
+     })
+     b<-eventReactive(a(),{
+       4*5
+     })
+     b1<-eventReactive(a1(),{
+       3*5
+     })
+     d<-eventReactive({
+       browser()
+       x=list(b(),b1())
+     },{
+       a1<-2
+       b1<-4
+       list(a1=a1,b1=b1)
+     })
+     output$x1<-renderUI({
+       layerTxt=d()$a1
+       aceEditor(outputId = 'layerAce',value=layerTxt,
+                 mode = "r", theme = "chrome", 
+                 height = "100px", fontSize = 12,wordWrap = T)
+     })  
+     output$x2<-renderUI({
+       themeTxt=d()$b1
+       aceEditor(outputId = 'themeAce',value=themeTxt,
+                 mode = "r", theme = "chrome", 
+                 height = "100px", fontSize = 12,wordWrap = T)
+     })  
+   }
+ )

Listening on
Called from: eventReactiveExpr(...)
Browse[1]> b()
Called from: value[[3L]](cond)
.traceback(1) ```r [[1]] [1] "eval(substitute(browser(skipCalls = pos), list(pos = (length(sys.frames()) - " [2] " frame) + 2)), envir = sys.frame(frame))" [[2]] [1] "eval(substitute(browser(skipCalls = pos), list(pos = (length(sys.frames()) - " [2] " frame) + 2)), envir = sys.frame(frame))" [[3]] [1] ".rs.breakOnError(TRUE)" [[4]] [1] "(function () " "{" " .rs.breakOnError(TRUE)" [4] "})()" [[5]] [1] "stop(e)" [[6]] [1] "value[[3L]](cond)" [[7]] [1] "tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])" [[8]] [1] "tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)" [[9]] [1] "tryCatch({" [2] " captureStackTraces({" [3] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [4] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [5] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [6] " finally = finally)" [7] " runFinally <- FALSE" [8] " p" [9] " }" [10] " else {" [11] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [12] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [13] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [14] " }" [15] " else {" [16] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [17] " }" [18] " }, list(...), result)" [19] " setVisible(result)" [20] " }" [21] " })" [22] "}, error = function(e) {" [23] " if (!is.null(catch)) " [24] " catch(e)" [25] " else stop(e)" [26] "}, finally = if (runFinally && !is.null(finally)) finally())" [[10]] [1] "do()" [[11]] [1] "hybrid_chain(eventFunc(), function(value) {" " if (ignoreInit && !initialized) {" [3] " initialized <<- TRUE" " req(FALSE)" [5] " }" " req(!ignoreNULL || !isNullEvent(value))" [7] " isolate(handlerFunc())" "})" [[12]] [1] "``(...)" [[13]] [1] ".func()" [[14]] [1] "withVisible(.func())" [[15]] [1] "withCallingHandlers({" " .error <<- FALSE" " withVisible(.func())" [4] "}, error = function(cond) {" " .value <<- cond" " .error <<- TRUE" [7] " .visible <<- FALSE" "})" [[16]] [1] "contextFunc()" [[17]] [1] "env$runWith(self, func)" [[18]] [1] "force(expr)" [[19]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[20]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createVarPromiseDomain(.globals, " [2] " \"domain\", domain), expr)" [[21]] [1] "withReactiveDomain(.domain, {" [2] " env <- .getReactiveEnvironment()" [3] " .graphEnterContext(id)" [4] " on.exit({" [5] " .graphExitContext(id, domain = .domain)" [6] " }, add = TRUE)" [7] " env$runWith(self, func)" [8] "})" [[22]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[23]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(reactivePromiseDomain(), {" [2] " withReactiveDomain(.domain, {" [3] " env <- .getReactiveEnvironment()" [4] " .graphEnterContext(id)" [5] " on.exit({" [6] " .graphExitContext(id, domain = .domain)" [7] " }, add = TRUE)" [8] " env$runWith(self, func)" [9] " })" [10] "})" [[24]] [1] "ctx$run(function() {" " result <- withCallingHandlers({" [3] " .error <<- FALSE" " withVisible(.func())" [5] " }, error = function(cond) {" " .value <<- cond" [7] " .error <<- TRUE" " .visible <<- FALSE" [9] " })" " .value <<- result$value" [11] " .visible <<- result$visible" "})" [[25]] [1] "self$.updateValue()" [[26]] [1] "..stacktraceoff..(self$.updateValue())" [[27]] [1] "b()" [[28]] [1] "eventReactiveExpr(...)" [[29]] [1] "..stacktraceon..(eventReactiveExpr(...))" [[30]] [1] "eventFunc()" [[31]] [1] "force(expr)" [[32]] [1] "withVisible(force(expr))" [[33]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(expr, error = doCaptureStack)" [[34]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[35]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), " [2] " expr)" [[36]] [1] "captureStackTraces({" [2] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [3] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [4] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [5] " finally = finally)" [6] " runFinally <- FALSE" [7] " p" [8] " }" [9] " else {" [10] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [11] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [12] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [13] " }" [14] " else {" [15] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [16] " }" [17] " }, list(...), result)" [18] " setVisible(result)" [19] " }" [20] "})" [[37]] [1] "doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)" [[38]] [1] "tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])" [[39]] [1] "tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)" [[40]] [1] "tryCatch({" [2] " captureStackTraces({" [3] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [4] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [5] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [6] " finally = finally)" [7] " runFinally <- FALSE" [8] " p" [9] " }" [10] " else {" [11] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [12] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [13] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [14] " }" [15] " else {" [16] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [17] " }" [18] " }, list(...), result)" [19] " setVisible(result)" [20] " }" [21] " })" [22] "}, error = function(e) {" [23] " if (!is.null(catch)) " [24] " catch(e)" [25] " else stop(e)" [26] "}, finally = if (runFinally && !is.null(finally)) finally())" [[41]] [1] "do()" [[42]] [1] "hybrid_chain(eventFunc(), function(value) {" " if (ignoreInit && !initialized) {" [3] " initialized <<- TRUE" " req(FALSE)" [5] " }" " req(!ignoreNULL || !isNullEvent(value))" [7] " isolate(handlerFunc())" "})" [[43]] [1] "``(...)" [[44]] [1] ".func()" [[45]] [1] "withVisible(.func())" [[46]] [1] "withCallingHandlers({" " .error <<- FALSE" " withVisible(.func())" [4] "}, error = function(cond) {" " .value <<- cond" " .error <<- TRUE" [7] " .visible <<- FALSE" "})" [[47]] [1] "contextFunc()" [[48]] [1] "env$runWith(self, func)" [[49]] [1] "force(expr)" [[50]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[51]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createVarPromiseDomain(.globals, " [2] " \"domain\", domain), expr)" [[52]] [1] "withReactiveDomain(.domain, {" [2] " env <- .getReactiveEnvironment()" [3] " .graphEnterContext(id)" [4] " on.exit({" [5] " .graphExitContext(id, domain = .domain)" [6] " }, add = TRUE)" [7] " env$runWith(self, func)" [8] "})" [[53]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[54]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(reactivePromiseDomain(), {" [2] " withReactiveDomain(.domain, {" [3] " env <- .getReactiveEnvironment()" [4] " .graphEnterContext(id)" [5] " on.exit({" [6] " .graphExitContext(id, domain = .domain)" [7] " }, add = TRUE)" [8] " env$runWith(self, func)" [9] " })" [10] "})" [[55]] [1] "ctx$run(function() {" " result <- withCallingHandlers({" [3] " .error <<- FALSE" " withVisible(.func())" [5] " }, error = function(cond) {" " .value <<- cond" [7] " .error <<- TRUE" " .visible <<- FALSE" [9] " })" " .value <<- result$value" [11] " .visible <<- result$visible" "})" [[56]] [1] "self$.updateValue()" [[57]] [1] "..stacktraceoff..(self$.updateValue())" [[58]] [1] "d()" [[59]] [1] "renderUI(...)" [[60]] [1] "func()" [[61]] [1] "force(expr)" [[62]] [1] "withVisible(force(expr))" [[63]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(expr, error = doCaptureStack)" [[64]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[65]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), " [2] " expr)" [[66]] [1] "captureStackTraces({" [2] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [3] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [4] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [5] " finally = finally)" [6] " runFinally <- FALSE" [7] " p" [8] " }" [9] " else {" [10] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [11] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [12] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [13] " }" [14] " else {" [15] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [16] " }" [17] " }, list(...), result)" [18] " setVisible(result)" [19] " }" [20] "})" [[67]] [1] "doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)" [[68]] [1] "tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])" [[69]] [1] "tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)" [[70]] [1] "tryCatch({" [2] " captureStackTraces({" [3] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [4] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [5] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [6] " finally = finally)" [7] " runFinally <- FALSE" [8] " p" [9] " }" [10] " else {" [11] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [12] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [13] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [14] " }" [15] " else {" [16] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [17] " }" [18] " }, list(...), result)" [19] " setVisible(result)" [20] " }" [21] " })" [22] "}, error = function(e) {" [23] " if (!is.null(catch)) " [24] " catch(e)" [25] " else stop(e)" [26] "}, finally = if (runFinally && !is.null(finally)) finally())" [[71]] [1] "do()" [[72]] [1] "hybrid_chain(func(), function(value, .visible) {" [2] " transform(setVisible(value, .visible), shinysession, name, " [3] " ...)" [4] "})" [[73]] [1] "origRenderFunc(...)" [[74]] [1] "`output$x1`(...)" [[75]] [1] "..stacktraceon..(`output$x1`(...))" [[76]] [1] "orig(name = name, shinysession = self)" [[77]] [1] "func()" [[78]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(expr, error = doCaptureStack)" [[79]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[80]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), " [2] " expr)" [[81]] [1] "captureStackTraces(expr)" [[82]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(captureStackTraces(expr), error = function(e) {" [2] " if (inherits(e, \"shiny.silent.error\")) " [3] " return()" [4] " handle <- getOption(\"shiny.error\")" [5] " if (is.function(handle)) " [6] " handle()" [7] "})" [[83]] [1] "shinyCallingHandlers(func())" [[84]] [1] "force(expr)" [[85]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[86]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createVarPromiseDomain(private, " [2] " \"currentOutputName\", name), expr)" [[87]] [1] "private$withCurrentOutput(name, {" " shinyCallingHandlers(func())" [3] "})" [[88]] [1] "force(expr)" [[89]] [1] "withVisible(force(expr))" [[90]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(expr, error = doCaptureStack)" [[91]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[92]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), " [2] " expr)" [[93]] [1] "captureStackTraces({" [2] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [3] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [4] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [5] " finally = finally)" [6] " runFinally <- FALSE" [7] " p" [8] " }" [9] " else {" [10] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [11] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [12] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [13] " }" [14] " else {" [15] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [16] " }" [17] " }, list(...), result)" [18] " setVisible(result)" [19] " }" [20] "})" [[94]] [1] "doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)" [[95]] [1] "tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])" [[96]] [1] "tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)" [[97]] [1] "tryCatch({" [2] " captureStackTraces({" [3] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [4] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [5] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [6] " finally = finally)" [7] " runFinally <- FALSE" [8] " p" [9] " }" [10] " else {" [11] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [12] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [13] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [14] " }" [15] " else {" [16] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [17] " }" [18] " }, list(...), result)" [19] " setVisible(result)" [20] " }" [21] " })" [22] "}, error = function(e) {" [23] " if (!is.null(catch)) " [24] " catch(e)" [25] " else stop(e)" [26] "}, finally = if (runFinally && !is.null(finally)) finally())" [[98]] [1] "do()" [[99]] [1] "hybrid_chain({" [2] " private$withCurrentOutput(name, {" [3] " shinyCallingHandlers(func())" [4] " })" [5] "}, catch = function(cond) {" [6] " if (inherits(cond, \"shiny.custom.error\")) {" [7] " if (isTRUE(getOption(\"show.error.messages\"))) " [8] " printError(cond)" [9] " structure(list(), class = \"try-error\", condition = cond)" [10] " }" [11] " else if (inherits(cond, \"shiny.output.cancel\")) {" [12] " structure(list(), class = \"cancel-output\")" [13] " }" [14] " else if (inherits(cond, \"shiny.silent.error\")) {" [15] " structure(list(), class = \"try-error\", condition = cond)" [16] " }" [17] " else {" [18] " if (isTRUE(getOption(\"show.error.messages\"))) " [19] " printError(cond)" [20] " if (getOption(\"shiny.sanitize.errors\", FALSE)) {" [21] " cond <- simpleError(paste(\"An error has occurred. Check your\", " [22] " \"logs or contact the app author for\", \"clarification.\"))" [23] " }" [24] " invisible(structure(list(), class = \"try-error\", condition = cond))" [25] " }" [26] "})" [[100]] [1] "force(expr)" [[101]] [1] "withVisible(force(expr))" [[102]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(expr, error = doCaptureStack)" [[103]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[104]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), " [2] " expr)" [[105]] [1] "captureStackTraces({" [2] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [3] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [4] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [5] " finally = finally)" [6] " runFinally <- FALSE" [7] " p" [8] " }" [9] " else {" [10] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [11] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [12] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [13] " }" [14] " else {" [15] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [16] " }" [17] " }, list(...), result)" [18] " setVisible(result)" [19] " }" [20] "})" [[106]] [1] "doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)" [[107]] [1] "tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])" [[108]] [1] "tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)" [[109]] [1] "tryCatch({" [2] " captureStackTraces({" [3] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [4] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [5] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [6] " finally = finally)" [7] " runFinally <- FALSE" [8] " p" [9] " }" [10] " else {" [11] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [12] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [13] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [14] " }" [15] " else {" [16] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [17] " }" [18] " }, list(...), result)" [19] " setVisible(result)" [20] " }" [21] " })" [22] "}, error = function(e) {" [23] " if (!is.null(catch)) " [24] " catch(e)" [25] " else stop(e)" [26] "}, finally = if (runFinally && !is.null(finally)) finally())" [[110]] [1] "do()" [[111]] [1] "hybrid_chain(hybrid_chain({" [2] " private$withCurrentOutput(name, {" [3] " shinyCallingHandlers(func())" [4] " })" [5] "}, catch = function(cond) {" [6] " if (inherits(cond, \"shiny.custom.error\")) {" [7] " if (isTRUE(getOption(\"show.error.messages\"))) " [8] " printError(cond)" [9] " structure(list(), class = \"try-error\", condition = cond)" [10] " }" [11] " else if (inherits(cond, \"shiny.output.cancel\")) {" [12] " structure(list(), class = \"cancel-output\")" [13] " }" [14] " else if (inherits(cond, \"shiny.silent.error\")) {" [15] " structure(list(), class = \"try-error\", condition = cond)" [16] " }" [17] " else {" [18] " if (isTRUE(getOption(\"show.error.messages\"))) " [19] " printError(cond)" [20] " if (getOption(\"shiny.sanitize.errors\", FALSE)) {" [21] " cond <- simpleError(paste(\"An error has occurred. Check your\", " [22] " \"logs or contact the app author for\", \"clarification.\"))" [23] " }" [24] " invisible(structure(list(), class = \"try-error\", condition = cond))" [25] " }" [26] "}), function(value) {" [27] " self$requestFlush()" [28] " private$sendMessage(recalculating = list(name = name, status = \"recalculated\"))" [29] " if (inherits(value, \"cancel-output\")) {" [30] " return()" [31] " }" [32] " private$invalidatedOutputErrors$remove(name)" [33] " private$invalidatedOutputValues$remove(name)" [34] " if (inherits(value, \"try-error\")) {" [35] " cond <- attr(value, \"condition\")" [36] " type <- setdiff(class(cond), c(\"simpleError\", \"error\", " [37] " \"condition\"))" [38] " private$invalidatedOutputErrors$set(name, list(message = cond$message, " [39] " call = utils::capture.output(print(cond$call)), type = if (length(type)) type))" [40] " }" [41] " else private$invalidatedOutputValues$set(name, value)" [42] "})" [[112]] [1] "``(...)" [[113]] [1] "contextFunc()" [[114]] [1] "env$runWith(self, func)" [[115]] [1] "force(expr)" [[116]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[117]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createVarPromiseDomain(.globals, " [2] " \"domain\", domain), expr)" [[118]] [1] "withReactiveDomain(.domain, {" [2] " env <- .getReactiveEnvironment()" [3] " .graphEnterContext(id)" [4] " on.exit({" [5] " .graphExitContext(id, domain = .domain)" [6] " }, add = TRUE)" [7] " env$runWith(self, func)" [8] "})" [[119]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[120]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(reactivePromiseDomain(), {" [2] " withReactiveDomain(.domain, {" [3] " env <- .getReactiveEnvironment()" [4] " .graphEnterContext(id)" [5] " on.exit({" [6] " .graphExitContext(id, domain = .domain)" [7] " }, add = TRUE)" [8] " env$runWith(self, func)" [9] " })" [10] "})" [[121]] [1] "ctx$run(.func)" [[122]] [1] "run()" [[123]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(expr, error = doCaptureStack)" [[124]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[125]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), " [2] " expr)" [[126]] [1] "captureStackTraces(expr)" [[127]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(captureStackTraces(expr), error = function(e) {" [2] " if (inherits(e, \"shiny.silent.error\")) " [3] " return()" [4] " handle <- getOption(\"shiny.error\")" [5] " if (is.function(handle)) " [6] " handle()" [7] "})" [[128]] [1] "shinyCallingHandlers(run())" [[129]] [1] "force(expr)" [[130]] [1] "withVisible(force(expr))" [[131]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(expr, error = doCaptureStack)" [[132]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[133]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), " [2] " expr)" [[134]] [1] "captureStackTraces({" [2] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [3] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [4] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [5] " finally = finally)" [6] " runFinally <- FALSE" [7] " p" [8] " }" [9] " else {" [10] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [11] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [12] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [13] " }" [14] " else {" [15] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [16] " }" [17] " }, list(...), result)" [18] " setVisible(result)" [19] " }" [20] "})" [[135]] [1] "doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)" [[136]] [1] "tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])" [[137]] [1] "tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)" [[138]] [1] "tryCatch({" [2] " captureStackTraces({" [3] " result <- withVisible(force(expr))" [4] " if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {" [5] " p <- promise_chain(setVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, " [6] " finally = finally)" [7] " runFinally <- FALSE" [8] " p" [9] " }" [10] " else {" [11] " result <- Reduce(function(v, func) {" [12] " if (\".visible\" %in% names(formals(func))) {" [13] " withVisible(func(v$value, .visible = v$visible))" [14] " }" [15] " else {" [16] " withVisible(func(v$value))" [17] " }" [18] " }, list(...), result)" [19] " setVisible(result)" [20] " }" [21] " })" [22] "}, error = function(e) {" [23] " if (!is.null(catch)) " [24] " catch(e)" [25] " else stop(e)" [26] "}, finally = if (runFinally && !is.null(finally)) finally())" [[139]] [1] "do()" [[140]] [1] "hybrid_chain({" [2] " if (!.destroyed) {" [3] " shinyCallingHandlers(run())" [4] " }" [5] "}, catch = function(e) {" [6] " if (inherits(e, \"shiny.silent.error\")) {" [7] " return()" [8] " }" [9] " printError(e)" [10] " if (!is.null(.domain)) {" [11] " .domain$unhandledError(e)" [12] " }" [13] "}, finally = .domain$decrementBusyCount)" [[141]] [1] "flushCallback()" [[142]] [1] "FUN(X[[i]], ...)" [[143]] [1] "lapply(.flushCallbacks, function(flushCallback) {" [2] " flushCallback()" [3] "})" [[144]] [1] "ctx$executeFlushCallbacks()" [[145]] [1] ".getReactiveEnvironment()$flush()" [[146]] [1] "flushReact()" [[147]] [1] "serviceApp()" [[148]] [1] "..stacktracefloor..(serviceApp())" [[149]] [1] "withCallingHandlers(expr, error = doCaptureStack)" [[150]] [1] "globals$domain$wrapSync(expr)" [[151]] [1] "promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), " [2] " expr)" [[152]] [1] "captureStackTraces({" " while (!.globals$stopped) {" [3] " ..stacktracefloor..(serviceApp())" " Sys.sleep(0.001)" [5] " }" "})" [[153]] [1] "..stacktraceoff..(captureStackTraces({" " while (!.globals$stopped) {" [3] " ..stacktracefloor..(serviceApp())" " Sys.sleep(0.001)" [5] " }" "}))" [[154]] [1] "runApp(x)" [[155]] [1] "\"runApp\", args)" [[156]] [1] "print.shiny.appobj(x)" [[157]] [1] "function (x, ...) " "UseMethod(\"print\")(x)" ```

session info ```r ─ Session info ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── setting value version R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) os macOS 10.14.4 system x86_64, darwin15.6.0 ui RStudio language (EN) collate en_US.UTF-8 ctype en_US.UTF-8 tz America/New_York date 2019-05-02 ─ Packages ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── package * version date lib source assertthat 0.2.1 2019-03-21 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.1) bitops 1.0-6 2013-08-17 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) cli 1.1.0 2019-03-19 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.1) clipr 0.5.0 2019-01-11 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2) crayon 1.3.4 2017-09-16 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) curl 3.3 2019-01-10 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2) details 0.0.51 2019-04-04 [1] local digest 0.6.18 2018-10-10 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) gh 1.0.1 2017-07-16 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) htmltools 0.3.6 2017-04-28 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) httpuv 2018-12-18 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) httr 1.4.0 2018-12-11 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) jsonlite 1.6 2018-12-07 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) later 0.8.0 2019-02-11 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2) magrittr * 1.5 2014-11-22 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) mime 0.6 2018-10-05 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) packrat 0.4.9-3 2018-06-01 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) promises 1.0.1 2018-04-13 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) R6 2.4.0 2019-02-14 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2) Rcpp 1.0.1 2019-03-17 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.2) RCurl 1.95-4.11 2018-07-15 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) rsconnect 0.8.8 2018-03-09 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) rstudioapi 0.10.0-9000 2019-03-22 [1] Github (rstudio/rstudioapi@7038aee) rvest 0.3.2 2016-06-17 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) sessioninfo 1.1.1 2018-11-05 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) shiny * 1.2.0 2018-11-02 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) shinyAce * 0.3.2 2018-10-02 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) withr 2.1.2 2018-03-15 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) xml2 1.2.0 2018-01-24 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) xtable 1.8-3 2018-08-29 [1] CRAN (R 3.5.0) [1] /Users/yonis/Library/R/3.5/library [2] /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/library ```

alandipert commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I was able to see it 👍

michaelmccarthy404 commented 5 years ago

@yonicd did you end up developing a workaround? I'm encountering the same error while trying to call an eventReactive expression while calling a module. My eventReactive expression is also dependent on two reactive variables, and I get the error while trying to call the initial eventReactive while the other reactive variables are NULL.

yonicd commented 5 years ago

In the end I think I had to be really careful on how I was using the conditional vectors in evenReactive and observeEvent. I think at the time I was developing regexSelect which also i module based and ran into similar problems as you describe. Maybe that src code and example can help you too.