rstudio / shiny

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How to render checkboxes in Tab Panels within a render UI? Maybe for next update? #2253

Open dataquestions opened 5 years ago

dataquestions commented 5 years ago

I am new to shiny and was wondering if the below is possible, i have not found any examples online via stackoverflow or any github issues either.

I have the following shiny dashboard seen below - i have 2 dataframes that are built into the app - for now these are just test dataframes, one called nodes_data_1 and one called edges_data_1.

the reason i want it in a renderUI is because i want it to use the reactive node_data_reactive() - as this may change in future making it easier for me.

The dataframe called nodes_data_1 is the one of importance here - I want a way so that when a user clicks in on the sidebar radio button "Food Type" -

Then tab panels will be created based on the unique values in the nodes_data_1$Food column - which has 5 values - so there would be 5 separate tab panels all sitting within this large tab box.

Then after doing this, within each tab panel, checkboxes would be rendered which correspond to the values in the nodes_data_1$Product_name which sit in the nodes_data_1$Food category -

So for example the app will look something like this:

Outcome I want in the Shiny Dashboard

Here you can see in the dashboard - that when i am on the "Edibles" Tab Panel - the available options to select are those in the data that are in the "Edibles" category for Food

Please see the following code below - i do not know how to create such a thing - any ideas are welcome - new to shiny so hope this is possible!


header <- dashboardHeader(
  title = "My Dashboard",
  titleWidth = 500

siderbar <- dashboardSidebar(


    # Add buttons to choose the way you want to select your data
    radioButtons("select_by", "Select by:",
                 c("Food Type" = "Food",
                   "Gym Type" = "Gym",
                   "TV show" = "TV"))



body <- dashboardBody(


   tabBox(title = "RESULTS", width = 12, 
                 width = 12, 
                height = 800


ui <- dashboardPage(header, siderbar, body, skin = "purple")

server <- function(input, output, session) {

nodes_data_1 <- data.frame(id = 1:15, 
                           Food = as.character(c("Edibles", "Fried", "Home Cooked", "packaged", "vending machine")), 
                           Product_name = as.character(c("Bacon", "Cheese", "eggs", "chips", "beans", "oast", "oats and beans", "fried beans", "chickpeas", "broad beans", "garbanzo", "oat bars", "dog meat", "cat food", "horse meat")),
                           Gym_type = as.character(paste("Gym", 1:15)), TV = 
                             sample(LETTERS[1:3], 15, replace = TRUE))

# build a edges dataframe

edges_data_1 <- data.frame(from = trunc(runif(15)*(15-1))+1,
                    to = trunc(runif(15)*(15-1))+1)

# create reactive of nodes 

  nodes_data_reactive <- reactive({

  }) # end of reactive
  # create reacive of edges 

  edges_data_reactive <- reactive({


  }) # end of reactive

  # The output panel differs depending on the how the data is selected 
  # so it needs to be in the server section, not the UI section and created
  # with renderUI as it is reactive
  output$Output_panel <- renderUI({

    # When selecting by workstream and issues:
    if(input$select_by == "Food") {

      box(title = "Output PANEL", 
          collapsible = TRUE, 
          width = 12

               # something to do here - any ideas?

                             ) # end of Tab box

    # When selecting by the strength of links connected to the issues:  
    } else if(input$select_by == "Gym") {
       box(title = "Output PANEL", collapsible = TRUE, width = 12,
          checkboxGroupInput("select_gyms", "Select gyms you want to display", choices = unique(nodes_data_reactive()$Gym_type)
                             selected = NULL,
                             inline = FALSE
          )# end of checkboxGroupInput
      ) # end of box  

    } else if(input$select_by == "TV") {
       box(title = "Output PANEL", collapsible = TRUE, width = 12,
                             "Select the tv shows you want to see",choices = sort(unique(nodes_data_reactive()$TV)),
                             selected = NULL,
                             inline = FALSE
          )# end of checkboxGroupInput
      ) # end of box  

  }  # end of else if

  }) # end of renderUI

} # end of server

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
dataquestions commented 5 years ago

@wch Any ideas for a future update? to have something like this??

nteetor commented 5 years ago

Hello @dataquestions, if you haven't already, try posting your question at There are a good group of people reviewing questions there who might not see a question posted here.

dataquestions commented 5 years ago

@nteetor thanks for the help - have asked this question over there too - hopefully some help will be given shortly - never got any answers so far