rstudio / shiny

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Apply Ruby-Text on shiny #3612

Closed englianhu closed 2 years ago

englianhu commented 2 years ago

System details

Browser Version:

Output of sessionInfo():

# sessionInfo() output goes here
> sessionInfo()
R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/

Example application or steps to reproduce the problem

```R # Minimal, self-contained example app code goes here ## > tags$head(tags$style(HTML(' /* ## */ .shiny-output-error-validation { /* background-color: #FFD64D; */ color: #FF0000; font-size: 36px; font-weight: bold; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 0%, #4CB5F5 100%); transition: all 0.45s; &:hover{ background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 20%, #4CB5F5 80%); } } '))), ... ... > output$ryo_kr <- renderUI({ validate( need(is.error(file.exists('www/ryo-kr.html')), HTML('건설(geonseol)(jung) !')), errorClass = 'Missing-Data-Class' ) includeHTML('www/ryo-kr.html') }) ``` ![]( ```R # Minimal, self-contained example app code goes here ## ui.R > tabItem(tabName = 'en', h2('🇬🇧 ENGLISH', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-en.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-en.html')#, htmlOutput('ryo_en') #htmlOutput('frame') ), ... ... ## server.R > output$ryo_en <- renderUI(includeHTML('www/ryo-en.html')) ``` ![]( ### Describe the problem in detail ```R # -------------- Load Packages ----------------------------- require('BBmisc') lib('shiny') lib('shinythemes') lib('shinydashboard') lib('shinydashboardPlus') lib('bs4Dash') lib('dashboardthemes') lib('shinyWidgets') lib('shinyjs') lib('shinyvalidate') lib('memoise') if(!require('XML')) devtools::install_github('omegahat/XML') lib('XML') # -------------- Prefer Conflict ----------------------------- conflict_prefer('dashboardPage', 'shinydashboardPlus') conflict_prefer('dashboardHeader', 'shinydashboardPlus') conflict_prefer('dashboardSidebar', 'shinydashboardPlus') conflict_prefer('sidebarMenu', 'shinydashboard') conflict_prefer('menuItem', 'shinydashboard') conflict_prefer('menuSubItem', 'shinydashboard') conflict_prefer('dashboardBody', 'shinydashboard') conflict_prefer('tabItems', 'shinydashboard') conflict_prefer('tabItem', 'shinydashboard') conflict_prefer('dashboardFooter', 'shinydashboardPlus') conflict_prefer('box', 'shinydashboardPlus') conflict_prefer('updateTabItems', 'shinydashboard') # -------------- Set Parameters ----------------------------- #menus <- data.frame( # choices = c('🇬🇧 ENGLISH',# = 'en', # '🇨🇳 简体中文',# = 'cn', # '🇹🇼 繁体中文',# = 'tw', # '🇯🇵 日本語',# = 'jp', # '🇰🇷 한국어',# = 'kr', # '🇬🇷 Ελληνικά',# = 'gr', # '🇩🇪 Deutsch',# = 'de', # '🇫🇷 Français',# = 'fr', # '🇮🇹 Italiano'),# = 'it'), # lnk = c('ryo-en', 'ryo-cn', 'ryo-tw', 'ryo-jp', 'ryo-kr', 'ryo-gr', 'ryo-de', 'ryo-fr', 'ryo-it'), # tabItem = c('en', 'cn', 'tw', 'jp', 'kr', 'gr', 'de', 'fr', 'it')) ## Active tab to select radio button in Shiny ## ## rb_choices = list( '🇬🇧 ENGLISH' = 'en', '🇨🇳 简体中文' = 'cn', '🇹🇼 繁体中文' = 'tw', '🇯🇵 日本語' = 'jp', '🇰🇷 한국어' = 'kr', '🇬🇷 Ελληνικά' = 'gr', '🇩🇪 Deutsch' = 'de', '🇫🇷 Français' = 'fr', '🇮🇹 Italiano' = 'it') tabItem_choices = list( '🇬🇧 ENGLISH' = 'en', '🇨🇳 简体中文' = 'cn', '🇹🇼 繁体中文' = 'tw', '🇯🇵 日本語' = 'jp', '🇰🇷 한국어' = 'kr', '🇬🇷 Ελληνικά' = 'gr', '🇩🇪 Deutsch' = 'de', '🇫🇷 Français' = 'fr', '🇮🇹 Italiano' = 'it') ### creating custom logo object logo <- shinyDashboardLogoDIY( boldText = 'ξηg', mainText = 'Lιαη Ημ', textSize = 16, badgeText = '🐉 ®γσ', badgeTextColor = 'white', badgeTextSize = 2, badgeBackColor = "#40E0D0", badgeBorderRadius = 3) ## alignCenter <- memoise(function(el) { htmltools::tagAppendAttributes( el, style = " width:500vw; height:100vh; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.35); /* 35% opaque white */ padding: 0.25em; color: #FFD64D; background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 0%, #33A8C4 100%); transition: all 0.45s; display:flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items:center; justify-content:center; ") }) # -------------- ui ----------------------------- ui <- shinyUI( #fluidPage( ## # use a gradient in background # setBackgroundColor( # color = c('#2171B5', '#F7FBFF'), # gradient = 'radial', # direction = c('top', 'left') # ), #...) # dashboardPage(#skin = 'midnight', header = dashboardHeader(title = logo), sidebar = dashboardSidebar( minified = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE, ## sidebarMenu( id = 'tabs', menuItem('®️Studio ☁️', tabName = 'menu', ## ## icon = icon('fa-brand fa-linux'), startExpanded = TRUE, menuSubItem('🏠 Home', tabName = 'home'), menuSubItem('🇬🇧 ENGLISH', tabName = 'en'), menuSubItem('🇨🇳 简体中文', tabName = 'cn'), menuSubItem('🇹🇼 繁体中文', tabName = 'tw'), menuSubItem('🇯🇵 日本語', tabName = 'jp'), menuSubItem('🇰🇷 한국어', tabName = 'kr'), menuSubItem('🇬🇷 Ελληνικά', tabName = 'gr'), menuSubItem('🇩🇪 Deutsch', tabName = 'de'), menuSubItem('🇫🇷 français', tabName = 'fr'), menuSubItem('🇮🇹 Italiano', tabName = 'it'))#, #menuItem('Appendices', icon = icon('th'), tabName = 'append', # menuSubItem('Author', tabName = 'author')) )), body = dashboardBody( shinyDashboardThemes(theme = 'blue_gradient'), ## tags$head(tags$style(HTML(' /* logo */ /* .skin-blue .main-header .logo { */ /* background-color: #F4B943; */ /* } */ /* logo when hovered */ .skin-blue .main-header .logo:hover { /* background-color: #33A8C4; */ color: #FFD64D; background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 0%, #33A8C4 100%); transition: all 0.45s; /* &:hover{ */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 20%, #33A8C4 80%); */ /* } */ } /* navbar (rest of the header) */ .skin-blue .main-header .navbar { /* background-color: #F4B943; */ /* color: #FFD64D; */ background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 0%, #33A8C4 100%); transition: all 0.45s; /* &:hover{ */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 20%, #33A8C4 80%); */ /* } */ } /* main sidebar */ /* .skin-blue .main-sidebar { */ /* background-color: #F4B943; */ /* } */ /* active selected tab in the sidebarmenu */ /* .skin-blue .main-sidebar .sidebar .sidebar-menu .active a { */ /* background-color: #FF0000; */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 0%, #33A8C4 100%); */ /* transition: all 0.45s; */ /* &:hover{ */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 20%, #33A8C4 80%); */ /* } */ /* } */ /* other links in the sidebarmenu */ /* .skin-blue .main-sidebar .sidebar .sidebar-menu a { */ /* background-color: #00FF00; */ /* color: #000000; */ /* } */ /* other links in the sidebarmenu when hovered */ /* .skin-blue .main-sidebar .sidebar .sidebar-menu a:hover { */ /* background-color: #FFD64D; */ /* color: #FFD64D; */ /* } */ /* toggle button */ .skin-blue .main-header .navbar .sidebar-toggle { /* background-color: #33A8C4; */ color: #FFD64D; background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 0%, #33A8C4 100%); transition: all 0.45s; &:hover{ background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 20%, #33A8C4 80%); } } /* toggle button when hovered */ .skin-blue .main-header .navbar .sidebar-toggle:hover { /* background-color: #FFD64D; */ color: #FFD64D; background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 0%, #4CB5F5 100%); transition: all 0.45s; &:hover{ background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 20%, #4CB5F5 80%); } } /* navbar */ .navbar-custom-menu { /* color: #FFD64D; */ background-color: transparent; } /* sidebarColumn */ .sidebarCollapsed { /* position: absolute; */ /* top: -25px; */ /* padding-top: -50px; */ } .main-sidebar.shiny-bound-input { /* position: absolute; */ /* top: 25px; */ /* right 25px; */ /* padding-top: 30px; */ /* padding-right: 30px; */ } /* body */ /* .content-wrapper, .right-side { */ .content-wrapper { /* background-color: #7DA2D1; */ color: #FFD64D; background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 0%, #4CB5F5 100%); transition: all 0.45s; /* &:hover{ */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 20%, #4CB5F5 80%); */ /* } */ } /* body when hovered */ /* .content-wrapper, .right-side, .content-wrapper:hover, .right-side:hover { */ /* background-color: #7DA2D1; */ /* color: #FFD64D; */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 0%, #4CB5F5 100%); */ /* transition: all 0.45s; */ /* &:hover{ */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 20%, #4CB5F5 80%); */ /* } */ /* } */ /* footer */ .skin-blue .main-footer { /* background-color: #33A8C4; */ color: #FFD64D; background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 0%, #33A8C4 100%); transition: all 0.45s; /* &:hover{ */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 20%, #33A8C4 80%); */ /* } */ } /* footer */ .pull-right.hidden-xs { /* color: #FFD64D; */ background-color: transparent; } /* footer when hovered */ /* .skin-blue .main-footer .main-footer:hover { */ /* background-color: #F4B943; */ /* color: #FFD64D; */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 0%, #33A8C4 100%); */ /* transition: all 0.45s; */ /* &:hover{ */ /* background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #146275 20%, #33A8C4 80%); */ /* } */ /* } */ /* ## */ .shiny-output-error-validation { /* background-color: #FFD64D; */ color: #FF0000; font-size: 36px; font-weight: bold; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 0%, #4CB5F5 100%); transition: all 0.45s; &:hover{ background: linear-gradient(155DEG, #002C54 20%, #4CB5F5 80%); } } '))), tabItems( tabItem(tabName = 'home', h2('®️Studio ☁️', align = 'center'), alignCenter( prettyRadioButtons( inputId = 'rb', label = NULL, choices = rb_choices, #menus$choices, shape = 'curve', animation = 'pulse', selected = character(0), status = 'primary', thick = TRUE, width = '100%', bigger = TRUE, icon = icon('registered')) ) ), tabItem(tabName = 'en', h2('🇬🇧 ENGLISH', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-en.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-en.html')#, htmlOutput('ryo_en') #htmlOutput('frame') ), tabItem(tabName = 'cn', h2('🇨🇳 简体中文', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-cn.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-cn.html')#, htmlOutput('ryo_cn') #htmlOutput('frame') ), tabItem(tabName = 'tw', h2('🇹🇼 繁体中文', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-tw.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-tw.html')#, htmlOutput('ryo_tw') #htmlOutput('frame') ), tabItem(tabName = 'jp', h2('🇯🇵 日本語', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-jp.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-jp.html')#, htmlOutput('ryo_jp') #htmlOutput('frame') ), tabItem(tabName = 'kr', h2('🇰🇷 한국어', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-gr.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-gr.html')#, ## htmlOutput('ryo_kr'), br(), br(), br(), HTML("

") #htmlOutput('frame') ), tabItem(tabName = 'gr', h2('🇬🇷 Ελληνικά', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-gr.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-gr.html')#, ## htmlOutput('ryo_gr'), br(), br(), br(), HTML("

") #htmlOutput('frame') ), tabItem(tabName = 'de', h2('🇩🇪 Deutsch', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-de.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-de.html')#, ## htmlOutput('ryo_de'), br(), br(), br(), HTML("

") #htmlOutput('frame') ), tabItem(tabName = 'fr', h2('🇫🇷 Français', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-fr.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-fr.html')#, ## htmlOutput('ryo_fr'), br(), br(), br(), HTML("

"), tags$script(HTML(" var p = document.getElementById('ryo_fr') $(p).attr('align', 'center');")) #htmlOutput('frame') ), tabItem(tabName = 'it', h2('🇮🇹 Italiano', align = 'center'), #tags$iframe(src = '', # height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0)#, #HTML(readLines('www/ryo-it.html'))#, #includeHTML('www/ryo-it.html')#, ## htmlOutput('ryo_it'), br(), br(), br(), HTML("

") #htmlOutput('frame') ) ) ), footer = dashboardFooter( left = p( HTML("Sςιβrοκεrs Trαdιηg®"), br(), tags$a(href = '', target = '_blank', tags$img(height = '13px', alt = 'scibrokes', #align = 'right', #src = 'www/Scibrokes.png')), src = '')), HTML("世博量化®"), '企业知识产权®及版权®所有,盗版必究。', ), right = p( br(), tags$a(href = '', target = '_blank', tags$img(height = '13px', alt = 'scibrokes', #align = 'right', #src = 'www/Peking University 02.png')), src = '')), HTML(paste0("", span('北京大学', style = 'color:blue'), "")), '🐉 ®γσ ξηg 2022 原著') ), title = 'DashboardPage')) # -------------- server ----------------------------- server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) { #observe({ ## ## # query <- menus[which(menus$choices == input$rb), 2] # lnk <<- paste0('', query) # }) #output$frame <- renderUI({ # input$rb # ui_lnk <- tags$iframe(src = lnk, height = 800, width = '100%', frameborder = 0) # print(ui_lnk) # ui_lnk #}) observeEvent(input$rb, { updateTabItems(session, 'tabs', selected = input$rb) }) output$ryo_en <- renderUI(includeHTML('www/ryo-en.html')) output$ryo_cn <- renderUI(includeHTML('www/ryo-cn.html')) output$ryo_tw <- renderUI(includeHTML('www/ryo-tw.html')) output$ryo_jp <- renderUI(includeHTML('www/ryo-jp.html')) output$ryo_kr <- renderUI({ validate( need(is.error(file.exists('www/ryo-kr.html')), HTML('건설(geonseol)(jung) !')), errorClass = 'Missing-Data-Class' ) includeHTML('www/ryo-kr.html') }) output$ryo_gr <- renderUI({ validate( need(is.error(file.exists('www/ryo-gr.html')), 'Υπό κατασκευή !'), errorClass = 'Missing-Data-Class' ) includeHTML('www/ryo-gr.html') }) output$ryo_de <- renderUI({ validate( need(is.error(file.exists('www/ryo-de.html')), 'En construction !'), errorClass = 'Missing-Data-Class' ) includeHTML('www/ryo-de.html') }) output$ryo_fr <- renderUI({ validate( need(is.error(file.exists('www/ryo-fr.html')), 'Im Bau !'), errorClass = 'Missing-Data-Class' ) includeHTML('www/ryo-fr.html') }) output$ryo_it <- renderUI({ validate( need(is.error(file.exists('www/ryo-it.html')), 'In costruzione !'), errorClass = 'Missing-Data-Class' ) includeHTML('www/ryo-it.html') }) observeEvent(input$tabs, { updatePrettyRadioButtons(session, 'rb', selected = input$tabs) }) }) # -------------- shinyApp() ----------------------------- shinyApp(ui, server) #runApp(app.R, display.mode = 'showcase') ``` 1) how to apply Ruby-Text on shiny since the references do not work? 2) the alignment of sidebarCollapsed panel moved upon `renderUI()`. 3) `shinyWidgets::prettyRadioButtons()` align moved upon `renderUI`. --- References : - - -
englianhu commented 2 years ago

The browser shows before: and I try to set tags(..., .noWS = 'after') doesn't help, somebody take a look?

Wonder how to :


englianhu commented 2 years ago

生于藩国(东南亚)心系汉, 饮水思源莫忘祖; 祖籍齐国(东亚)福建人, 自诩齐国(东亚)淮阴人。 한국사람이에요.

出处:- Tumblr - Apply Ruby Text

englianhu commented 2 years ago


englianhu commented 2 years ago


  ui = fluidPage(
    'Chern Shiing-Shen', 
    tags$ruby('陈', tags$rp('(', .noWS = 'after'), 
              tags$rt('chén', .noWS = 'after'), 
              tags$rp(')', .noWS = 'after'), 
              '省', tags$rp('(', .noWS = 'after'), 
              tags$rt('xǐng', .noWS = 'after'), 
              tags$rp(')', .noWS = 'after'),
              '身', tags$rp('(', .noWS = 'after'), 
              tags$rt('shēn', .noWS = 'after'), 
              tags$rp(')', .noWS = 'after')
    tags$ruby('杨', tags$rp('('), 
              '振', tags$rp('('), 
              '宁', tags$rp('('), 
    HTML('<ruby>丘<rp>(</rp><rt>qiū</rt><rp>)</rp>成<rp>(</rp><rt>chéng</rt><rp>)</rp>桐<rp>(</rp><rt>tóng</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> !')

  server = function(input, output) {

Its work when not apply on shiny::validate(), any better idea?

englianhu commented 2 years ago

There has advanced r packages shinyvalidate and shinyFeedback while I manage to resolve by apply most simple if() else() although that's not perfect, unless can apply Ruby-Text on shiny~


jcheng5 commented 2 years ago

Hi @englianhu,

As you've noted in your followup comment, ruby text in general should be fine with Shiny, in the sense that anywhere Shiny expects/allows HTML, you should be able to use ruby tags. However, unfortunately validate() does not currently expect HTML, only plain text. In your particular case, since you're already in a renderUI, you could just return the error HTML:

  output$ryo_kr <- renderUI({
    if (!file.exists('www/ryo-kr.html')) {
      return(tags$div(class = 'Missing-Data-Class',
        HTML('<ruby>건설<rp>(</rp><rt>geonseol</rt><rp>)</rp>중<rp>(</rp><rt>jung</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> !'))

Edit: Oh maybe this is what you meant by "apply most simple if() else()" in your last comment