rstudio / shinycoreci-apps

SUPERSEDED - Apps for Shiny continuous integration testing
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GHA: "206-freeze-thaw" shinyjster test failure #143

Closed MadhulikaTanuboddi closed 3 years ago

MadhulikaTanuboddi commented 3 years ago

Run the shinyjster test for the app The test fails on the last step.

> runApp('apps/206-freeze-thaw')

Listening on
shinyjster - Progress: 1/4 (waiting)
shinyjster - Progress: 1/4 (running)
shinyjster - Progress: 2/4 (waiting)
shinyjster - Progress: 3/4 (waiting)
shinyjster - Progress: 3/4 (running)
shinyjster - Progress: 4/4 (waiting)
shinyjster - Progress: 4/4 (running) - Error found: 'Fail' does not equal 'OK'
shinyjster - JS error found! Error:
    msg: 'Fail' does not equal 'OK'
    x: Fail
    y: OK
    xStr: 'Fail'
    yStr: 'OK'
    yStr: 'OK'

Could this be related to the recent tabset/tabset panel changes?

Note: Reviewing the runTests history, this is build this test started failing from

so around 7 days ago, from ~May 5th

cpsievert commented 3 years ago

Here's a minimal example


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$tabs <- renderUI({
      tabPanel("A", "a"),
      tabPanel("B", "b")

shinyApp(ui, server)
Screen Shot 2021-05-13 at 12 58 37 PM

The .active tab styling doesn't show up because this renderHook never gets called because renderUI() runs through shiny:::processDeps() which uses doRenderTags() (not renderTags())