rstudio / shinycoreci-apps

SUPERSEDED - Apps for Shiny continuous integration testing
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Github Actions: 157-date-format test failure #85

Closed MadhulikaTanuboddi closed 3 years ago

MadhulikaTanuboddi commented 3 years ago

This test has been consistently failing on Mac: 4.0 and Ubuntu-18: 4.0 runs. Remaining 10 runs (Mac, Windows, Ubuntu with other versions of R) looks good with this test.

I am able to repro this locally on Mac with 4.0.


  1. Install the latest of shinycoreci -> remotes::install_github("rstudio/shinycoreci")
  2. Set your RStudio IDE working directory to
  3. Run the app 157-date-format using shiny::runApp(apps/157-date-format) or shinyjster::run_jster('apps/157-date-format')

Expected: App should show 14 warnings Actual: On Mac, the shinyjster test fails showing only 13 warnings. The test works on Windows.

> shinyjster::run_jster('apps/157-date-format')

Listening on
Warning: Couldn't coerce the `value` argument to a date string with format yyyy-mm-dd
Warning: Couldn't coerce the `max` argument to a date string with format yyyy-mm-dd
Warning: Couldn't coerce the `start` argument to a date string with format yyyy-mm-dd
Warning: Couldn't coerce the `end` argument to a date string with format yyyy-mm-dd
Warning: Couldn't coerce the `min` argument to a date string with format yyyy-mm-dd
Warning: Couldn't coerce the `max` argument to a date string with format yyyy-mm-dd
shinyjster - Progress: 1/2 (waiting)
shinyjster - Progress: 1/2 (running)
shinyjster - Progress: 2/2 (waiting)
shinyjster - Progress: 2/2 (running) - Error found: false does not equal true
shinyjster - JS error found! Error:
    msg: false does not equal true
    x: FALSE
    y: TRUE
    xStr: false
    yStr: true
    yStr: true
shinyjster - Error found! Closing Browser window
shinyjster - Browser window has been closed. Stopping Shiny Application now.
# A tibble: 1 x 3
  appDir               successful returnValue     
  <chr>                <lgl>      <list>          
1 apps/157-date-format FALSE      <named list [2]>

app-157-shinyjster-testresult app-157-shinyjster-warnings-expected-14

Note: Barret helped me with some debugging. It looks like the warming message catchWarning(dateInput, "x2", "Mis-specifiedmin", min = ""), is not printed. Not sure if this makes sense -> when I added a empty string to min i.e min=" ", the warning is printed

Could this be due to

cpsievert commented 3 years ago

I think this should be fixed now (please reopen if not)

MadhulikaTanuboddi commented 3 years ago

Verifed and looks good. Thank you @cpsievert
