rstudio / shinydashboard

Shiny Dashboarding framework
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display long numbers (10^10) in narrow (width = 2) valueBox #261

Open steve-liang opened 6 years ago

steve-liang commented 6 years ago


This might be an extreme case but I don't know if there could be an elegant solution.

In my dashboards, sometime I need to put in long number of digits value in a narrow valuebox, e.g. width = 2.

Since most of the time I develop my dashboard in 1920x1080 resolution screen. This generally doesn't matter much. But my clients are reporting that in the laptops that still have lower resolution e.g. 1366x768 they are seeing the numbers going over the edge of the boxes due to shrinking valuebox width in low resolution screen. It's understandable that the only way to fit the box is to wrap them, but wrapping is not legit for numbers. I wonder if there are better solution to auto adjust long numbers in valuebox so that it can still fit in ONE LINE in valuebox without going across the edge.

Thanks, Steve