rstudio / shinydashboard

Shiny Dashboarding framework
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First tab to be rendered upon loading the app does not seem to be calculated #335

Open homer3018 opened 4 years ago

homer3018 commented 4 years ago

Hi there. Upon upgrading from R 3.3.3 to 3.6.2 along with my libraries, I have a weird phenomena happening in most of my apps - which are quite similar to one another.

I've got a output called TABUI which defines what goes in which tab :

  output$TABUI <- renderUI({
      tabItem(tabName = "charts",
                # Dynamic valueBoxes
      tabItem(tabName = "overview",
              sund2bOutput("sunburst", height = "600px")
      tabItem(tabName = "tablesearch",
      tabItem(tabName = "searching_3d",
              rglwidgetOutput("searching3d", width = "100%", height = 600)
      tabItem(tabName = "table",

The first tab charts is the one to be loaded upon starting the app, and this was working just fine before I upgrade my whole system. Now, all my user inputs are being calculated, as they were, and displayed in the sidebar, as they were again, but nothing in displayed in the body area. If I go to the next tab overview, this one works fine (actually they all are), and then come back to the first one charts, then all my components, the plot and the valueboxes are displayed !

Using Reactlog confirms that none of the valueboxes or the plot are being calculated. (TABUI is however) Since they are all reactive to inputs I'm not sure why this is happening, and doesn't know how I would go about debugging this.

Any help would be appreciated, or things that I could try to better understand what's going on.

Thanks ahead of time for your support.