rstudio / shinydashboard

Shiny Dashboarding framework
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Localizing shinydashboards to RTL languages - feature suggestion #337

Open adisarid opened 4 years ago

adisarid commented 4 years ago

In right-to-left languages, i.e., Hebrew and Arabic, the css text direction should be defined as rtl.

Unfortunately, it is not trivial to take a shinydashboard and perform this conversion. There is a significant amount of elements for example position needs to be applied to all shiny inputs, sidebar menus (to the right as well), and many more.

Some existing solutions, such as this, are not actively maintained and therefore loose functionality under the many "moving parts" of a shinydashboard.

An argument rtl=TRUE to fix this on the shiny UI side would be a huge benefit to those of us writing localized shiny apps in RTL languages.

Mahmood-Taghavi commented 3 years ago

This is a really important feature request. Its impact will be huge because even advanced R shiny users in most cases are not also experts in web development. Just need someone to provide correct RTL CSS and then a direction option can be added to the R shiny for mirroring of the layout and text. There is a post by @adisarid on RTL support at in the following link: I hope the R studio team put attention to this important issue in the next release and make life easier for a big community of R and R shiny lovers! Thanks in advance @jcheng5

BahmanAjdari commented 3 years ago

Thanks for raising this issue. RTL functionality would be a huge step forward in localizing shiny apps.

muzairaslam commented 5 months ago

Is there any development on this issue ? I wanted to use RTL and Arabic support in Shiny Dashboards.

YongbingDing commented 5 months ago
