rstudio / shinydashboard

Shiny Dashboarding framework
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extra colors for validColors() and box (status = ) #366

Open AltayYuzeir opened 2 years ago

AltayYuzeir commented 2 years ago

Hello there, is there way to use more than the 15 validColors() for infoBox fill and box(background), and more than the 5 statuses for box(status). I would love to be able to use hexadecimals for all these, and also for the shinyUI(skin) I think there are only 5 colors as of now. Or is this a feature request topic? Thank you :)

guybrettrobertson commented 1 year ago

Totally agree with this — my team is avoiding using shinydashboard for this very reason. I know we can use custom CSS but if we're using CSS for everything then we may as well not use Shiny in the first place.