rstudio / sortable

R htmlwidget for Sortable.js
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Create N x M (lists vs items) and restoring the session #101

Open Andryas opened 1 year ago

Andryas commented 1 year ago

I have a problem connecting N destinations with M origins, and both are dynamically created in my shiny app. After completion, the user must drag from the first list to one of N destinations, and then the results are stored. Also, when the app is initialized, I should be able to restore the way it was.

Below is an example of how I am creating this N x M, but I need help restoring the way it was.

Is it in the roadmap that allows adding many lists dynamically and also updating those rank lists?

Thank you very much


ui <- fluidPage(
    style = "display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-around; margin: 27px;",
    numericInput("generate_n", "Generate N lists", 2),
    numericInput("generate_m", "Generate M items", 3)

server <- function(input, output) {

  output$dragAndDropList <- shiny::renderUI({
    req(input$generate_n, input$generate_m)

    list_n <- 1:input$generate_n
    list_m <- 1:input$generate_m

    p <- paste0('sortable::bucket_list(
        header = "Dynamic bucket list",
        group_name = "dynamic_group",
        orientation = "horizontal",
          text = "Items to distribute",
          labels = as.character(list_n),
          input_id = "items"

    ll <- purrr::map(list_m, function(.x) {
      paste0('sortable::add_rank_list(text = "', .x, '", labels = NULL, input_id = paste0("list", ', .x, "))")
    dynamic_rank <- paste0(ll, collapse = ",")

    eval(parse(text = stringr::str_interp(p)))

shinyApp(ui, server)