rstudio / tinytex

A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live
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Sth wrong with bibtex creation #357

Open xiasummer opened 2 years ago

xiasummer commented 2 years ago

When I used tinytex::xelatex('./my_test.tex') to compile my test file, I found that everything is good, except for the bibtex part. Seems to be file not exist, but using other tools like TexStudio it works perfect. I don't know what wrong there is, just report here.

stop("Failed to build the bibliography via ", bib_engine, call. = FALSE)
system2_quiet(bib_engine, shQuote(aux), error = {
check_blg = function() {
if (!file.exists(blg)) 
return(TRUE) ...
latexmk_emu(file, engine, bib_engine, engine_args, min_times, 
max_times, install_packages, clean)
latexmk(engine = "xelatex", emulation = TRUE, ...)
yihui commented 2 years ago

Please follow the issue guide when you file an issue. In particular, please provide a minimal reproducible example. Without that, it's nearly impossible to help you. Thanks!

emberwick commented 2 years ago

Similar issue following February updates, can be avoided by switching to default or natbib over biblatex, I just prefer biblatex for style options.

Minimal example (using pdf_document rather than bookdown::pdf_document2 does not matter; neither does the latex engine):

title: "Title"
    latex_engine: xelatex
    citation_package: biblatex
bibliography: demo.bib

Citation to [@R-base].

demo.bib file contains only:

  title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical
  author = {{R Core Team}},
  organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
  address = {Vienna, Austria},
  year = {2019},
  url = {},

Returns error:

INFO - This is Biber 2.17
INFO - Logfile is 'biber_mre.blg'
INFO - Reading 'biber_mre.bcf'
INFO - Found 1 citekeys in bib section 0
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Looking for bibtex file 'demo.bib' for section 0
INFO - LaTeX decoding ...
INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'demo.bib'
Error: Failed to build the bibliography via biber
Warning: LaTeX Warning: Citation 'R-base' on page 1 undefined on input line 88.
Warning: LaTeX Warning: Empty bibliography on input line 90.
Warning: LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.
Warning: Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file:
Warning: (biblatex)                biber_mre
Warning: (biblatex)                and rerun LaTeX afterwards.
Execution halted

Session info:

R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Monterey 12.1, RStudio 2021.9.1.372

Locale: en_US.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF-8 / C / en_US.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF-8

Package version:
  base64enc_0.1.3   bslib_0.3.1       digest_0.6.29    
  evaluate_0.15     fastmap_1.1.0     fs_1.5.2         
  glue_1.6.2        graphics_4.1.2    grDevices_4.1.2  
  highr_0.9         htmltools_0.5.2   jquerylib_0.1.4  
  jsonlite_1.8.0    knitr_1.37        magrittr_2.0.2   
  methods_4.1.2     R6_2.5.1          rappdirs_0.3.3   
  rlang_1.0.1       rmarkdown_2.11.23 sass_0.4.0       
  stats_4.1.2       stringi_1.7.6     stringr_1.4.0    
  tinytex_0.37      tools_4.1.2       utils_4.1.2      
  xfun_0.29         yaml_2.3.5       

Pandoc version:

Thank you!

yihui commented 2 years ago

@emberwick Thanks for providing an example! I can't reproduce it on my Macbook:

xfun::session_info(c('tinytex', 'rmarkdown'))
R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Monterey 12.2.1, RStudio 2021.9.0.351

Locale: en_US.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF-8 / C / en_US.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF-8

Package version:
  base64enc_0.1.3   bslib_0.3.1       digest_0.6.29     evaluate_0.15     fastmap_1.1.0     fs_1.5.2         
  glue_1.6.2        graphics_4.1.2    grDevices_4.1.2   highr_0.9         htmltools_0.5.2   jquerylib_0.1.4  
  jsonlite_1.8.0    knitr_1.37.4      magrittr_2.0.2    methods_4.1.2     R6_2.5.1          rappdirs_0.3.3   
  rlang_1.0.1       rmarkdown_2.11.22 sass_0.4.0        stats_4.1.2       stringi_1.7.6     stringr_1.4.0    
  tinytex_0.37      tools_4.1.2       utils_4.1.2       xfun_0.29.2       yaml_2.3.5       

LaTeX version used: 
  TeX Live 2021 (TinyTeX) with tlmgr 2021-12-24

Pandoc version:

I suspect that this problem may be specific to macOS with the ARM architecture, but I don't have a machine to verify.