rstudio / vetiver-python

Version, share, deploy, and monitor models.
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name cannot be specified with server on RSConnect #110

Closed isabelizimm closed 1 year ago

isabelizimm commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Running demo from

Expected behavior Deploy to RSConnect


RSConnectException                        Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/home/katie.masiello/bike_predict_python/model/01-train-and-deploy-model/model_training_deployment.ipynb Cell 18' in <cell line: 3>()
      1 # use Vetiver provided RStudio Connect deployment function 
      2 # to deploy the model as a FASTApi
----> 3 deploy_rsconnect(
      4     connect_server=connect_server,
      5     board=board,
      6     pin_name="katie.masiello/bikeshare-rf-python",
      7     python="../../venv/bin/python",
      8     title = "Random Forest model for Bikeshare Python")

File ~/bike_predict_python/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/vetiver/, in deploy_rsconnect(connect_server, board, pin_name, version, extra_files, new, app_id, title, python, conda_mode, force_generate, log_callback, image)
     71 tmp_app = temp + "/"
     73 write_app(
     74     board=board,
     75     pin_name=pin_name,
     78     overwrite=False,
     79 )
---> 81 deploy_python_fastapi(
     82     connect_server=connect_server,
     83     directory=temp,
     84     extra_files=extra_files,
     85     excludes=None,
     86     entry_point="app:api",
     87     new=new,
     88     app_id=app_id,
     89     title=title,
     90     python=python,
     91     conda_mode=conda_mode,
     92     force_generate=force_generate,
     93     log_callback=log_callback,
     94     image=image,
     95 )

File ~/bike_predict_python/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in deploy_python_fastapi(connect_server, directory, extra_files, excludes, entry_point, new, app_id, title, python, conda_mode, force_generate, log_callback, image)
    856 def deploy_python_fastapi(
    857     connect_server: api.RSConnectServer,
    858     directory: str,
    869     image: str = None,
    870 ) -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.Union[list, None]]:
    871     """
    872     A function to deploy a Python ASGI API module to RStudio Connect.  Depending on the files involved
    873         and network latency, this may take a bit of time.
    895         of log lines.  The log lines value will be None if a log callback was provided.
    896     """
--> 897     return _deploy_by_python_framework(
    898         connect_server,
    899         directory,
    900         extra_files,
    901         excludes,
    902         entry_point,
    903         gather_basic_deployment_info_for_fastapi,
    904         image,
    905         new,
    906         app_id,
    907         title,
    908         python,
    909         conda_mode,
    910         force_generate,
    911         log_callback,
    912     )

File ~/bike_predict_python/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in _deploy_by_python_framework(connect_server, directory, extra_files, excludes, entry_point, gatherer, image, new, app_id, title, python, conda_mode, force_generate, log_callback)
   1201 _, environment = get_python_env_info(
   1202     directory,
   1203     python,
   1204     conda_mode=conda_mode,
   1205     force_generate=force_generate,
   1206 )
   1207 bundle = create_api_deployment_bundle(
   1208     directory, extra_files, excludes, entry_point, app_mode, environment, True, image
   1209 )
-> 1210 return _finalize_deploy(
   1211     connect_server,
   1212     app_store,
   1213     directory,
   1214     app_id,
   1215     app_mode,
   1216     deployment_name,
   1217     deployment_title,
   1218     default_title,
   1219     bundle,
   1220     log_callback,
   1221 )

File ~/bike_predict_python/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in _finalize_deploy(connect_server, app_store, file_name, app_id, app_mode, name, title, title_is_default, bundle, log_callback)
    737 def _finalize_deploy(
    738     connect_server: api.RSConnectServer,
    739     app_store: AppStore,
    747     log_callback: typing.Callable,
    748 ) -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.Union[list, None]]:
    749     """
    750     A common function to finish up the deploy process once all the data (bundle
    751     included) has been resolved.
    767     of log lines.  The log lines value will be None if a log callback was provided.
    768     """
--> 769     app = deploy_bundle(connect_server, app_id, name, title, title_is_default, bundle, None)
    770     app_url, log_lines, _ = spool_deployment_log(connect_server, app, log_callback)
    771     app_store.set(
    772         connect_server.url,
    773         abspath(file_name),
    778         app_mode,
    779     )

File ~/bike_predict_python/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in deploy_bundle(remote_server, app_id, name, title, title_is_default, bundle, env_vars)
   1771 def deploy_bundle(
   1772     remote_server: api.TargetableServer,
   1773     app_id: int,
   1778     env_vars: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]],
   1779 ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
   1780     """
   1781     Deploys the specified bundle.
   1791     task that may be queried for deployment progress.
   1792     """
-> 1793     ce = RSConnectExecutor(
   1794         server=remote_server,
   1795         app_id=app_id,
   1796         name=name,
   1797         title=title,
   1798         title_is_default=title_is_default,
   1799         bundle=bundle,
   1800         env_vars=env_vars,
   1801     )
   1802     ce.deploy_bundle()
   1803     return ce.state["deployed_info"]

File ~/bike_predict_python/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in RSConnectExecutor.__init__(self, name, url, api_key, insecure, cacert, ca_data, cookies, account, token, secret, timeout, logger, **kwargs)
    339 self.reset()
    340 self._d = kwargs
--> 341 self.setup_remote_server(
    342     name=name,
    343     url=url or kwargs.get("server"),
    344     api_key=api_key,
    345     insecure=insecure,
    346     cacert=cacert,
    347     ca_data=ca_data,
    348     account_name=account,
    349     token=token,
    350     secret=secret,
    351 )
    352 self.setup_client(cookies, timeout)
    353 self.logger = logger

File ~/bike_predict_python/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in RSConnectExecutor.setup_remote_server(self, name, url, api_key, insecure, cacert, ca_data, account_name, token, secret)
    378 def setup_remote_server(
    379     self,
    380     name: str = None,
    388     secret: str = None,
    389 ):
--> 390     validation.validate_connection_options(
    391         url=url,
    392         api_key=api_key,
    393         insecure=insecure,
    394         cacert=cacert,
    395         account_name=account_name,
    396         token=token,
    397         secret=secret,
    398         name=name,
    399     )
    401     if cacert and not ca_data:
    402         ca_data = text_type(

File ~/bike_predict_python/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in validate_connection_options(url, api_key, insecure, cacert, account_name, token, secret, name)
     18 present_options_mutually_exclusive_with_name = _get_present_options(options_mutually_exclusive_with_name)
     20 if name and present_options_mutually_exclusive_with_name:
---> 21     raise RSConnectException(
     22         "-n/--name cannot be specified in conjunction with options {}".format(
     23             ", ".join(present_options_mutually_exclusive_with_name)
     24         )
     25     )
     26 if not name and not url and not shinyapps_options:
     27     raise RSConnectException(
     28         "You must specify one of -n/--name OR -s/--server OR -A/--account, -T/--token, -S/--secret."
     29     )

RSConnectException: -n/--name cannot be specified in conjunction with options -s/--server
isabelizimm commented 1 year ago

Tracking this from upstream package RSConnect here as it crops up when deploying with vetiver when rsconnect-python==1.10

isabelizimm commented 1 year ago

vetiver.deploy_rsconnect() works with rsconnect-python>1.10 🎉