rstudio / vetiver-python

Version, share, deploy, and monitor models.
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deploy_rsconnect causes kernel to die unexpectedly #198

Closed FMKerckhof closed 10 months ago

FMKerckhof commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug

Dear, I am trying to deploy an sklearn random forest model to Posit connect from within an ipython notebook in jupyterlab on Posit workbench. I have followed the python instructions from the Get started-guide as well as the Posit youtube video on MLOps and all works well until I am trying to deploy the model using vetiver.deploy_rsconnect where I get the following error: RSConnectException: -n/--name cannot be specified in conjunction with options -s/--server (full error trace below)

Full error trace ``` /opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/vetiver/ UserWarning: Pinned vetiver model has no active version and no datetime on versions, Do you need to check your pinned model? Using version 4509 warnings.warn( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSConnectException Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [10], in () ----> 1 vetiver.deploy_rsconnect( 2 connect_server = connect_server, 3 board = model_board, 4 pin_name = "kytos_lab/cars_mpg", 5 ) File /opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/vetiver/, in deploy_rsconnect(connect_server, board, pin_name, version, extra_files, new, app_id, title, python, conda_mode, force_generate, log_callback, image) 94 tmp_app = temp + "/" 96 write_app( 97 board=board, 98 pin_name=pin_name, (...) 101 overwrite=False, 102 ) --> 104 deploy_python_fastapi( 105 connect_server=connect_server, 106 directory=temp, 107 extra_files=extra_files, 108 excludes=None, 109 entry_point="app:api", 110 new=new, 111 app_id=app_id, 112 title=title, 113 python=python, 114 conda_mode=conda_mode, 115 force_generate=force_generate, 116 log_callback=log_callback, 117 image=image, 118 ) File /opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in deploy_python_fastapi(connect_server, directory, extra_files, excludes, entry_point, new, app_id, title, python, conda_mode, force_generate, log_callback, image) 856 def deploy_python_fastapi( 857 connect_server: api.RSConnectServer, 858 directory: str, (...) 869 image: str = None, 870 ) -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.Union[list, None]]: 871 """ 872 A function to deploy a Python ASGI API module to RStudio Connect. Depending on the files involved 873 and network latency, this may take a bit of time. (...) 895 of log lines. The log lines value will be None if a log callback was provided. 896 """ --> 897 return _deploy_by_python_framework( 898 connect_server, 899 directory, 900 extra_files, 901 excludes, 902 entry_point, 903 gather_basic_deployment_info_for_fastapi, 904 image, 905 new, 906 app_id, 907 title, 908 python, 909 conda_mode, 910 force_generate, 911 log_callback, 912 ) File /opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in _deploy_by_python_framework(connect_server, directory, extra_files, excludes, entry_point, gatherer, image, new, app_id, title, python, conda_mode, force_generate, log_callback) 1201 _, environment = get_python_env_info( 1202 directory, 1203 python, 1204 conda_mode=conda_mode, 1205 force_generate=force_generate, 1206 ) 1207 bundle = create_api_deployment_bundle( 1208 directory, extra_files, excludes, entry_point, app_mode, environment, True, image 1209 ) -> 1210 return _finalize_deploy( 1211 connect_server, 1212 app_store, 1213 directory, 1214 app_id, 1215 app_mode, 1216 deployment_name, 1217 deployment_title, 1218 default_title, 1219 bundle, 1220 log_callback, 1221 ) File /opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in _finalize_deploy(connect_server, app_store, file_name, app_id, app_mode, name, title, title_is_default, bundle, log_callback) 737 def _finalize_deploy( 738 connect_server: api.RSConnectServer, 739 app_store: AppStore, (...) 747 log_callback: typing.Callable, 748 ) -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.Union[list, None]]: 749 """ 750 A common function to finish up the deploy process once all the data (bundle 751 included) has been resolved. (...) 767 of log lines. The log lines value will be None if a log callback was provided. 768 """ --> 769 app = deploy_bundle(connect_server, app_id, name, title, title_is_default, bundle, None) 770 app_url, log_lines, _ = spool_deployment_log(connect_server, app, log_callback) 771 app_store.set( 772 connect_server.url, 773 abspath(file_name), (...) 778 app_mode, 779 ) File /opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in deploy_bundle(remote_server, app_id, name, title, title_is_default, bundle, env_vars) 1771 def deploy_bundle( 1772 remote_server: api.TargetableServer, 1773 app_id: int, (...) 1778 env_vars: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]], 1779 ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: 1780 """ 1781 Deploys the specified bundle. 1782 (...) 1791 task that may be queried for deployment progress. 1792 """ -> 1793 ce = RSConnectExecutor( 1794 server=remote_server, 1795 app_id=app_id, 1796 name=name, 1797 title=title, 1798 title_is_default=title_is_default, 1799 bundle=bundle, 1800 env_vars=env_vars, 1801 ) 1802 ce.deploy_bundle() 1803 return ce.state["deployed_info"] File /opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in RSConnectExecutor.__init__(self, name, url, api_key, insecure, cacert, ca_data, cookies, account, token, secret, timeout, logger, **kwargs) 339 self.reset() 340 self._d = kwargs --> 341 self.setup_remote_server( 342 name=name, 343 url=url or kwargs.get("server"), 344 api_key=api_key, 345 insecure=insecure, 346 cacert=cacert, 347 ca_data=ca_data, 348 account_name=account, 349 token=token, 350 secret=secret, 351 ) 352 self.setup_client(cookies, timeout) 353 self.logger = logger File /opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in RSConnectExecutor.setup_remote_server(self, name, url, api_key, insecure, cacert, ca_data, account_name, token, secret) 378 def setup_remote_server( 379 self, 380 name: str = None, (...) 388 secret: str = None, 389 ): --> 390 validation.validate_connection_options( 391 url=url, 392 api_key=api_key, 393 insecure=insecure, 394 cacert=cacert, 395 account_name=account_name, 396 token=token, 397 secret=secret, 398 name=name, 399 ) 401 if cacert and not ca_data: 402 ca_data = text_type( File /opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rsconnect/, in validate_connection_options(url, api_key, insecure, cacert, account_name, token, secret, name) 18 present_options_mutually_exclusive_with_name = _get_present_options(options_mutually_exclusive_with_name) 20 if name and present_options_mutually_exclusive_with_name: ---> 21 raise RSConnectException( 22 "-n/--name cannot be specified in conjunction with options {}".format( 23 ", ".join(present_options_mutually_exclusive_with_name) 24 ) 25 ) 26 if not name and not url and not shinyapps_options: 27 raise RSConnectException( 28 "You must specify one of -n/--name OR -s/--server OR -A/--account, -T/--token, -S/--secret." 29 ) RSConnectException: -n/--name cannot be specified in conjunction with options -s/--server ```

I find the documentation generally a bit limited to figure out what is going on. I have been looking at the Vetiver python function reference, the documentation of Posit connect on deploying Vetiver and the Rsconnect-python documentation but I get sometimes contradictory information (for example should I use deploy_rsconnect or deploy_python_fastapi?).

Because my notebook kernel kept dying unexpectedly (after very long waits of doing nothing), I tried to also execute the deploy_python_fastapi in interactive python REPL from the terminal - this just keeps hanging for hours without any errors.

I did not yet try to directly use the rsconnect-python CLI outside of an interactive python environment, but I hoped that I could just run the example without any problems.

To Reproduce

I tried to publish the default example to my posit connect server and I observe the same error. To reproduce this example, you will need to have a Posit connect server to publish to.

from import mtcars
from vetiver import VetiverModel, write_app, vetiver_pin_write, VetiverAPI
from sklearn import tree
from pins import board_folder, board_rsconnect 
from rsconnect.actions import deploy_python_fastapi
from rsconnect.api import RSConnectServer

# below you should change the values or use environmental variables to load them
API_KEY = <get api key from env var>
SERVER = <get connect server address from env var>

connect_server = RSConnectServer(
    url=SERVER, # load from an .env file
    api_key=API_KEY # load from an .env file

model_board = board_rsconnect(server_url=SERVER,

car_mod = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor().fit(mtcars.drop(columns="mpg"), mtcars["mpg"])

# don't forget to replace user_name with the user associated with the API_KEY

v = VetiverModel(car_mod, model_name = "user_name/cars_mpg", 
                 prototype_data = mtcars.drop(columns="mpg"))

vetiver_pin_write(model_board, v)

app = VetiverAPI(v, check_prototype=True)

    connect_server = connect_server,
    board = model_board,
    pin_name = "user_name/cars_mpg",

Expected behavior

I would expect that following the code above allows me to deploy my model to Posit connect

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isabelizimm commented 10 months ago

Hi there @FMKerckhof, thank you for opening up this issue! That is a little perplexing...what version of vetiver and rsconnect-python are you using? This error had previously popped up in rsconnect-python, and vetiver pinned rsconnect-python to avoid older versions and hopefully avoid this. If possible, I'd recommend running pip install --upgrade vetiver rsconnect-python to get the latest versions. Let me know if that helps!

As for documentation, we are in the process of updating all the information on the Connect docs to use vetiver.deploy_rsconnect, but you make a great point that some sort of trouble-shooting might be useful.

FMKerckhof commented 10 months ago

Hi @isabelizimm , thank you for the swift reply - I am using vetiver 0.2.1 and rsconnect-python 1.20.0. I will upgrade vetiver to latest (0.2.3) and get back to you.

FMKerckhof commented 10 months ago

I upgraded vetiver to the latest (0.2.3) using pip as instructed, and the issue still persists - I get the exact same error message.

FMKerckhof commented 10 months ago

@isabelizimm apologies that I did not catch this earlier - since I am working on Posit workbench, I have a python version installed in /opt/python/... (as per Posit docs) - as well as a system python. On both I also had a version of rsconnect-python installed. In the terminal (and the Posit Workbench terminal) rsconnect-python was 1.20.0, but for jupyterlab the rsconnect-python version was 1.10.0 - after updating deploy did start.

In case other users would land here because deploys fail: I had to add a very minimal requirements.txt to the "extra_files" argument of deploy_rsconnect - in my case, automatic resolution caused the deploy to crash because I had RPy2 imported in the environment (and it is very hard to publish something using RPy2 to connect apparently). If I did not specify this, pip freeze would create a very large requirements.txt.

Finally, @isabelizimm I would like to ask you something about a warning which I do not really understand (unless I should make a dedicated issue out of this?):

/opt/python/3.10.6/lib/python3.10/site-packages/vetiver/ UserWarning: Pinned vetiver model has no active version and no datetime on versions,
              Do you need to check your pinned model?
              Using version 4524

Could you tell me what this means, how should we "activate" a pinned vetiver model?

isabelizimm commented 10 months ago

This is a super helpful update! That's a good thing to note--in Posit Workbench, oftentimes people specify a Python environment to "deploy," that is different than the one they are working in.

The way to activate a pinned version would be to pass in a version number as an argument (eg, your function might look like deploy_rsconnect(connect_server, board, pin_name, version="4524", extra_files=['requirements.txt'])) . Otherwise, it will deploy the latest version of the pin. This warning primarily exists to nudge users to ensure the pin they expect is being used. I'm open to any feedback if there's a way to make this more clear for users (in this issue or a separate one)!

FMKerckhof commented 10 months ago

Thanks - I don't think it's necessary to raise an issue - more a matter of documentation. Is there a way I could contribute to the documentation?

I have documented R packages in the past, but have only very limited experience with python - nonetheless it seems like you are using the Makefile to autogenerate some documentation - for deploy_rsconnect I take it takes the info from here?

isabelizimm commented 10 months ago

Yes please! Any documentation contribution would be so welcome 😄 And you are correct, that's the correct spot in deploy_rsconnect! In the Python world, docs are usually generated from docstrings, which is what you linked, similar to roxygen comments in R. Vetiver uses a numpydoc style, and you'll likely want to use something like a "Notes" section to add extra context to a function.

isabelizimm commented 10 months ago

I'm going to close out this issue since the original question has been resolved, but please let me know if you have any follow up questions/comments!