rsummers618 / HTPC_Alexa_Skill

Control Kodi Netflix and Chrome with your Amazon Echo
51 stars 24 forks source link

Skills Response Error #12

Open Dewcifer opened 8 years ago

Dewcifer commented 8 years ago

Love this application. One of the troubles I am having is that Alexa seems to not communicate with the Lambda server after an hour or two of activity. I am getting the following error.

Request Identifier: amzn1.echo-api.request.7c1f7c0e-27cf-4114-b39b-b582eadc68d8 The target Lambda application returned a failure response

I checked the endpoint. That is correct. I checked my key and URL in the plug in. That is correct. I can restart Kodi (or even dump to whole thing to get a new key) and that works after a time. Then the same error code using the app after an hour or two. Any ideas?