rsxdalv / tts-generation-webui

TTS Generation Web UI (Bark, MusicGen + AudioGen, Tortoise, RVC, Vocos, Demucs, SeamlessM4T, MAGNet, StyleTTS2, MMS)
MIT License
1.61k stars 173 forks source link

Im stuck in installation loop, everytime at this step, Installation fails. #345

Open maxbizz opened 1 month ago

maxbizz commented 1 month ago

Here is the log just before i get the error.

Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->torch==2.3.1) (2.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from sympy->torch==2.3.1) (1.3.0)
Successfully installed hydra-core fix due to fairseq dependencies
Installing node_modules...
>cd react-ui && npm install

added 479 packages, and audited 480 packages in 15s

146 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

8 vulnerabilities (1 low, 4 moderate, 3 high)

To address issues that do not require attention, run:
  npm audit fix

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.
Successfully installed node_modules
Building react-ui...
>cd react-ui && npm run build

> tts-generation-webui-react@0.1.0 build
> next build

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx update-browserslist-db@latest
  Why you should do it regularly:
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx browserslist@latest --update-db
  Why you should do it regularly:
- info Creating an optimized production build
- info Compiled successfully
- info Linting and checking validity of types
- info Collecting page data
[    ] - info Generating static pages (0/24)[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\outputs'] {
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'scandir',
  path: 'I:\\AI\\tts-generation-webui-main\\outputs'
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\favorites'] {
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'scandir',
  path: 'I:\\AI\\tts-generation-webui-main\\favorites'
- info Generating static pages (24/24)
- info Finalizing page optimization

Route (app)                                Size     First Load JS
─ λ /api/upload                            0 B                0 B
+ First Load JS shared by all              0 B

Route (pages)                              Size     First Load JS
┌ ● /                                      1.55 kB         106 kB
├   /_app                                  0 B            92.4 kB
├ ○ /404                                   178 B          92.6 kB
├ λ /api/gradio/[name]                     0 B            92.4 kB
├ λ /api/webui-generations/[]       0 B            92.4 kB
├ ○ /bark                                  3.79 kB         120 kB
├ ○ /bark/bark_settings                    2.07 kB         106 kB
├ ○ /bark/bark_voice_generation            2.95 kB         114 kB
├ ○ /bark/vocos_npz                        2.7 kB          114 kB
├ ○ /bark/vocos_wav                        2.88 kB         114 kB
├ ● /bark/voices                           538 B           105 kB
├ ○ /demucs                                3.08 kB         115 kB
├ ● /generations                           188 B           105 kB
├ ○ /gpu_info                              964 B           105 kB
├ ● /history/[name]                        571 B           105 kB
├   ├ /history/outputs
├   └ /history/favorites
├ ○ /magnet                                1.5 kB          118 kB
├ ○ /maha-tts                              2.3 kB          117 kB
├ ○ /mms                                   1.5 kB          127 kB
├ ○ /musicgen                              2.67 kB         117 kB
├ ○ /pipeline                              6.05 kB         165 kB
├ ○ /rvc                                   4.53 kB         116 kB
├ ○ /tortoise                              1.38 kB         143 kB
├ ○ /vallex                                2.57 kB         117 kB
└ ● /voice-drafts                          631 B           105 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all              95.8 kB
  ├ chunks/main-f2f37a715f8b92e3.js        83.9 kB
  ├ chunks/pages/_app-31729643ea9b2513.js  6.53 kB
  ├ chunks/webpack-2c818183314dbd99.js     1.98 kB
  └ css/c88ad04737390e95.css               3.38 kB

λ  (Server)  server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
○  (Static)  automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
●  (SSG)     automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)

Successfully built react-ui
Checking if torch has CUDA...
>python -c import torch; exit(0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 1)

Finished init app.

'js' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Failed to init the app, exiting...
'"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue . . .

When i try to install/run it again. I get this error

Transcript started, output file is I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\installer_scripts\output.log
"Checking if the Micromamba/Conda environment is already installed."
"Micromamba/Conda environment already installed in I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env, skipping installation"
The system cannot find the path specified.

Starting init app (version: 0.0.4)...

Checking conda installation...
>conda --version
conda 24.5.0
Pulling updates from tts-generation-webui
>git pull
Already up to date.
No updates found, skipping...
The system cannot find the path specified.
Env file not found. Creating default env.
Missing core packages (dotenv), the app has not been installed successfully.
App exitted or crashed.
Starting command prompt for user to run commands in case of failure...
rsxdalv commented 1 month ago

Hi, strange, the first log you included suggests that the packages were installed successfully. I am still trying to find what happened here:

Finished init app.

'js' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Failed to init the app, exiting...
'"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue . . .`

At the moment it makes no sense but I will try to piece it together. Though this should not have any impact, are you on Windows 10 or Windows 11?

Another thing I would like to confirm is - if you open the \tts-generation-webui\installer_scripts\conda_env_cmd.bat and in the prompt window type "pip list" what do you see?

By the way, if you have the new windows terminal, you can save the whole log as such:


rsxdalv commented 1 month ago

Also - how did you acquire the app, did you download the repository fresh or are you upgrading from a previous version? Though it should work in almost any case, I am trying to find where the inconsistency arises.

rsxdalv commented 1 month ago

Ok, I'm starting to see some potential causes -


`Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->torch==2.3.1) (2.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from sympy->torch==2.3.1) (1.3.0)

the installation happens in miniconda3 installation directory while later the script correctly uses the local conda environment:

"Micromamba/Conda environment already installed in I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env, skipping installation"

Now what confuses me is the error about 'js' not being a runnable program despite your log clearly showing the init_app.js being run successfully, are those separate logs? This would make sense if it was having an issue running the node script if conda environment was missing the Node.

It could be that the virtual conda environment fails to activate OR that it activates but still calls the 'minoconda3' when doing 'conda install' and 'pip install'.

I am not yet sure how to deal with this, mostly because I don't see why this should even begin to happen.

maxbizz commented 1 month ago

im using Windows 11 About how i installed it, I downloaded the zip file, extracted it and opened "start_tts_webui.bat" to start the installation. Here is the conda_env_cmd.bat>pip list result:

I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main>pip list
absl-py                      2.1.0
accelerate                   0.25.0
addict                       2.4.0
aeiou                        0.0.20
aiofiles                     23.2.1
aiohttp                      3.9.3
aiosignal                    1.3.1
albumentations               1.4.3
alias-free-torch             0.0.6
aliyun-python-sdk-core       2.15.0
aliyun-python-sdk-core-v3    2.13.10
aliyun-python-sdk-kms        2.16.2
altair                       5.1.1
annotated-types              0.5.0
ansicon                      1.89.0
antlr4-python3-runtime       4.9.3
anyio                        3.7.1
appdirs                      1.4.4
archspec                     0.2.3
argbind                      0.3.9
args                         0.1.0
astor                        0.8.1
asttokens                    2.4.1
astunparse                   1.6.3
async-timeout                4.0.3
attrs                        23.1.0
audiocraft                   1.4.0a1
audiolm-pytorch              1.2.28
audioread                    3.0.1
auraloss                     0.4.0
av                           11.0.0
Babel                        2.12.1
backoff                      2.2.1
bark_hubert_quantizer        0.0.5
beartype                     0.18.5
beautifulsoup4               4.11.2
bitarray                     2.9.2
bleach                       6.1.0
blessed                      1.20.0
blinker                      1.7.0
blis                         0.7.11
bokeh                        3.4.2
boltons                      24.0.0
boto3                        1.34.144
botocore                     1.34.144
braceexpand                  0.1.7
Brotli                       1.1.0
brotlipy                     0.7.0
bs4                          0.0.2
cached_path                  1.6.3
cachetools                   5.3.3
catalogue                    2.0.10
certifi                      2024.7.4
cffi                         1.16.0
chardet                      5.2.0
charset-normalizer           2.0.4
chumpy                       0.70
clean-fid                    0.1.35
click                        8.1.7
clint                        0.5.1
clip                         1.0
clip-anytorch                2.6.0
clldutils                    3.19.0
cloudpathlib                 0.18.1
cloudpickle                  3.0.0
cn2an                        0.5.22
colorama                     0.4.6
colorcet                     3.1.0
coloredlogs                  15.0.1
colorlog                     6.7.0
comm                         0.2.1
conda                        24.5.0
conda-content-trust          0.2.0
conda-libmamba-solver        24.1.0
conda-package-handling       2.2.0
conda_package_streaming      0.9.0
confection                   0.1.5
configparser                 7.0.0
contourpy                    1.2.1
coverage                     7.4.4
crcmod                       1.7
cryptography                 42.0.8
cssselect2                   0.7.0
csvw                         3.1.3
curl-cffi                    0.5.10
cycler                       0.11.0
cymem                        2.0.8
Cython                       3.0.2
datasets                     2.18.0
dateparser                   1.1.8
dctorch                      0.1.2
debugpy                      1.8.1
decorator                    5.1.1
defusedxml                   0.7.1
demucs                       4.0.1
descript-audio-codec         1.0.0
descript-audiotools          0.7.3
diffusers                    0.27.2
dill                         0.3.8
distro                       1.9.0
dlinfo                       1.2.1
docker-pycreds               0.4.0
docopt                       0.6.2
docstring_parser             0.16
dora_search                  0.1.12
duckduckgo-search            3.9.10
easydict                     1.13
easyocr                      1.7.1
editor                       1.6.6
einops                       0.7.0
einops-exts                  0.0.4
einx                         0.3.0
ema-pytorch                  0.2.3
embreex                      2.17.7.post4
encodec                      0.1.1
eng-to-ipa                   0.0.2
et-xmlfile                   1.1.0
exceptiongroup               1.2.2
executing                    2.0.1
fairseq                      0.12.4
faiss-cpu                    1.8.0.post1
fast-sentence-transformers   0.4.1
fastapi                      0.103.1
fastcore                     1.5.54
ffmpeg                       1.4
ffmpeg-python                0.2.0
ffmpy                        0.3.1
filelock                     3.12.4
fire                         0.6.0
flashy                       0.0.2
Flask                        3.0.0
flatbuffers                  23.5.26
flatten-dict                 0.4.2
fonttools                    4.42.1
frozendict                   2.4.4
frozenlist                   1.4.1
fsspec                       2023.9.1
ftfy                         6.1.3
funcy                        2.0
future                       0.18.3
fvcore                       0.1.5.post20221221
gast                         0.5.4
gin-config                   0.5.0
git-python                   1.0.3
gitdb                        4.0.11
GitPython                    3.1.42
gmpy2                        2.1.2
google-ai-generativelanguage 0.6.1
google-api-core              2.18.0
google-api-python-client     2.125.0
google-auth                  2.29.0
google-auth-httplib2         0.2.0
google-cloud-core            2.4.1
google-cloud-storage         2.17.0
google-crc32c                1.5.0
google-generativeai          0.5.0
google-pasta                 0.2.0
google-resumable-media       2.7.1
googleapis-common-protos     1.63.0
gradio                       3.48.0
gradio_client                0.6.1
grpcio                       1.62.1
grpcio-status                1.62.1
gruut                        2.4.0
gruut-ipa                    0.13.0
gruut_lang_en                2.0.1
h11                          0.14.0
h2                           4.1.0
h5py                         3.11.0
holoviews                    1.19.1
hpack                        4.0.0
httpcore                     0.18.0
httplib2                     0.22.0
httpx                        0.25.1
huggingface-hub              0.19.4
humanfriendly                10.0
hydra-colorlog               1.2.0
hydra-core                   1.3.2
hyperframe                   6.0.1
idna                         3.7
imageio                      2.33.1
imageio-ffmpeg               0.4.9
importlib-metadata           7.0.1
importlib-resources          5.12.0
inference-core-nodes         0.4.1              I:\AI\ComfyUI_windows_portable_2\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-Inference-Core-Nodes
inflect                      7.0.0
inquirer                     3.2.4
inquirerpy                   0.3.4
insightface                  0.7.3
intel-openmp                 2021.4.0
iopath                       0.1.10
ipykernel                    6.29.3
ipython                      8.22.1
iso639-lang                  2.2.3
isodate                      0.6.1
itsdangerous                 2.1.2
jaraco.context               4.3.0
jax                          0.4.26
jedi                         0.19.1
jieba                        0.42.1
Jinja2                       3.1.2
jinxed                       1.2.1
jmespath                     0.10.0
joblib                       1.3.2
json-tricks                  3.17.3
jsonlines                    1.2.0
jsonmerge                    1.9.2
jsonpatch                    1.32
jsonpointer                  2.1
jsonschema                   4.19.0
jsonschema-specifications    2023.7.1
julius                       0.2.7
jupyter_client               8.6.0
jupyter_core                 5.7.1
k-diffusion                  0.1.1
keras                        3.2.1
kiui                         0.2.7
kiwisolver                   1.4.5
kornia                       0.7.1
laion-clap                   1.1.4
lameenc                      1.7.0
langcodes                    3.4.0
langdetect                   1.0.9
langid                       1.1.6
language_data                1.2.0
language-tags                1.2.0
lazy_loader                  0.3
libclang                     18.1.1
libmambapy                   1.5.8
librosa                      0.10.2.post1
lightning-utilities          0.10.1
linkify-it-py                2.0.3
lion-pytorch                 0.2.2
litellm                      1.28.7
llvmlite                     0.43.0
local-attention              1.8.6
lxml                         4.9.3
maha_tts                     1.0.0
mamba                        0.11.3
mapbox-earcut                1.0.1
marisa-trie                  1.2.0
Markdown                     3.4.4
markdown-it-py               3.0.0
markdown2                    2.5.0
MarkupSafe                   2.1.3
matplotlib                   3.8.3
matplotlib-inline            0.1.6
mdit-py-plugins              0.4.1
mdurl                        0.1.2
mediapipe                    0.10.11
menuinst                     2.1.1
mkl                          2021.4.0
mkl-fft                      1.3.1
mkl-random                   1.2.2
mkl-service                  2.4.0
ml-dtypes                    0.3.2
mmpose                       1.3.1
model-index                  0.1.11
modelscope                   1.13.3
monotonic                    1.6
more-itertools               10.1.0
mpmath                       1.3.0
msgpack                      1.0.8
multidict                    6.0.5
multiprocess                 0.70.16
munch                        4.0.0
munkres                      1.1.4
murmurhash                   1.0.10
namex                        0.0.7
nest-asyncio                 1.6.0
networkx                     2.8.8
nltk                         3.8.1
num2words                    0.5.13
numba                        0.60.0
numpy                        1.23.5
objprint                     0.2.3
odfpy                        1.4.1
omegaconf                    2.3.0
onnx                         1.14.0
onnxruntime                  1.15.0
onnxruntime-gpu              1.15.0
open-clip-torch              2.24.0
open-interpreter             0.2.0
openai                       1.13.3
openai-clip                  1.0.1
openai-whisper               20230314
opendatalab                  0.0.10
openmim                      0.3.9
openpyxl                     3.1.2
openunmix                    1.3.0
openxlab                     0.0.38
opt-einsum                   3.3.0
optree                       0.11.0
ordered-set                  4.1.0
orjson                       3.9.7
oss2                         2.17.0
packaging                    24.1
pandas                       2.0.2
panel                        1.4.4
param                        2.1.1
parso                        0.8.3
pastel                       0.2.1
pathtools                    0.1.2
pedalboard                   0.7.4
pesq                         0.0.4
pfzy                         0.3.4
phonemizer                   3.2.0
pillow                       10.3.0
pip                          23.3.2
platformdirs                 4.2.0
plotly                       5.22.0
pluggy                       1.5.0
poethepoet                   0.24.4
pooch                        1.8.2
portalocker                  2.8.2
posthog                      3.4.2
praat-parselmouth            0.4.3
prefigure                    0.0.9
preshed                      3.0.9
prettytable                  3.10.0
proces                       0.1.7
progressbar                  2.5
prompt-toolkit               3.0.43
proto-plus                   1.23.0
protobuf                     4.25.3
psutil                       5.9.8
pure-eval                    0.2.2
pyarrow                      15.0.0
pyarrow-hotfix               0.6
pyasn1                       0.6.0
pyasn1_modules               0.4.0
pyclipper                    1.3.0.post5
pycocotools                  2.0.7
pycollada                    0.8
pycosat                      0.6.6
pycparser                    2.21
pycryptodome                 3.20.0
pydantic                     2.3.0
pydantic_core                2.6.3
pydub                        0.25.1
pyee                         11.1.0
Pygments                     2.17.2
pylatexenc                   2.10
pyloudnorm                   0.1.1
pynndescent                  0.5.13
pyopenjtalk-prebuilt         0.3.0
pyOpenSSL                    24.0.0
pyparsing                    3.1.1
PyPDF2                       3.0.1
pypinyin                     0.49.0
pyreadline3                  3.4.1
PySocks                      1.7.1
pystoi                       0.4.1
python-bidi                  0.4.2
python-crfsuite              0.9.10
python-dateutil              2.8.2
python-dotenv                1.0.0
python-ffmpeg                2.0.12
python-multipart             0.0.6
python-nmap                  0.7.1
pytorch-lightning            2.1.0
pytz                         2023.3.post1
pyviz_comms                  3.0.2
PyWavelets                   1.4.1
pywin32                      306
pyworld                      0.3.4
PyYAML                       6.0.1
pyzmq                        25.1.2
randomname                   0.2.1
rdflib                       7.0.0
readchar                     4.0.5
referencing                  0.30.2
regex                        2023.8.8
reportlab                    4.2.0
requests                     2.28.2
resampy                      0.4.3
retrying                     1.3.4
rfc3986                      1.5.0
rich                         13.4.2
rotary-embedding-torch       0.6.4
rpds-py                      0.10.3
rsa                          4.9
Rtree                        1.2.0
ruamel.yaml                  0.18.6
ruamel.yaml.clib             0.2.8
runs                         1.2.2
rvc                          0.3.6
s3transfer                   0.10.2
sacrebleu                    2.4.2
safetensors                  0.3.1
scikit-image                 0.22.0
scikit-learn                 1.4.0
scipy                        1.11.2
segments                     2.2.1
semantic-version             2.10.0
sentence-transformers        2.2.2
sentencepiece                0.1.99
sentry-sdk                   2.10.0
setproctitle                 1.3.3
setuptools                   60.2.0
shapely                      2.0.2
shellingham                  1.5.4
simple_kNN                   1.1.6
simplejson                   3.19.2
six                          1.16.0
smart-open                   7.0.4
smmap                        5.0.1
sniffio                      1.3.0
socksio                      1.0.0
sortedcontainers             2.4.0
sounddevice                  0.4.6
soundfile                    0.12.1
soupsieve                    2.5
soxr                         0.3.7
spacy                        3.7.5
spacy-legacy                 3.0.12
spacy-loggers                1.0.5
srsly                        2.4.8
stable-audio-tools           0.0.16
stack-data                   0.6.3
starlette                    0.27.0
styletts2                    0.1.8
submitit                     1.5.1
SudachiDict-core             20230711
SudachiPy                    0.6.7
suno-bark                    0.1.0
svg.path                     6.3
svglib                       1.5.1
sympy                        1.12
tabulate                     0.9.0
tbb                          2021.13.0
tenacity                     8.5.0
tensorboard                  2.16.2
tensorboard-data-server      0.7.2
tensorflow                   2.16.1
tensorflow-cpu               2.16.1
tensorflow-intel             2.16.1
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.31.0
termcolor                    2.4.0
terminaltables               3.1.10
thinc                        8.2.5
threadpoolctl                3.2.0
tifffile                     2024.1.30
tiktoken                     0.3.1
timm                         0.9.12
tinycss2                     1.2.1
tokenizers                   0.15.2
tokentrim                    0.1.13
toml                         0.10.2
tomli                        2.0.1
toolz                        0.12.1
torch                        2.3.1
torch-stoi                   0.2.1
torchaudio                   2.3.1
torchcrepe                   0.0.22
torchdiffeq                  0.2.3
torchlibrosa                 0.1.0
torchmetrics                 0.11.4
torchsde                     0.2.6
torchtext                    0.18.0
torchvision                  0.18.1
tornado                      6.4
tortoise-tts                 3.0.0
tqdm                         4.66.4
traitlets                    5.14.1
trampoline                   0.1.2
transformers                 4.36.1
treetable                    0.2.5
trimesh                      4.3.1
truststore                   0.8.0
txtsplit                     1.0.0
typer                        0.12.3
typing_extensions            4.11.0
tzdata                       2023.3
tzlocal                      5.2
uc-micro-py                  1.0.3
umap-learn                   0.5.6
Unidecode                    1.3.6
uritemplate                  4.1.1
urllib3                      1.26.19
uvicorn                      0.23.2
v-diffusion-pytorch          0.0.2
valle_x                      0.0.1
varname                      0.13.0
vector-quantize-pytorch      1.9.14
vhacdx                       0.0.6
vocos                        0.1.0
wandb                        0.15.4
wasabi                       1.1.3
wcwidth                      0.2.13
weasel                       0.4.1
webdataset                   0.2.48
webencodings                 0.5.1
websocket-client             1.6.4
websockets                   11.0.3
Werkzeug                     3.0.1
wget                         3.2
wheel                        0.43.0
win-inet-pton                1.1.0
wolframalpha                 5.0.0
wrapt                        1.16.0
x-transformers               1.26.6
xatlas                       0.0.9
xformers                     0.0.27+cu118
xmltodict                    0.13.0
xmod                         1.8.1
xtcocotools                  1.14.3
xxhash                       3.4.1
xyzservices                  2024.6.0
yacs                         0.1.8
yapf                         0.40.2
yarl                         1.9.4
zipp                         3.17.0
zstandard                    0.23.0


I was getting the JS error yesterday. Today i got this error

Transcript started, output file is I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\installer_scripts\output.log
"Checking if the Micromamba/Conda environment is already installed."
"Micromamba/Conda environment already installed in I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\installer_files\env, skipping installation"
The system cannot find the path specified.

Starting init app (version: 0.0.4)...

Checking conda installation...
>conda --version
conda 24.5.0
Pulling updates from tts-generation-webui
>git pull
Already up to date.
No updates found, skipping...
The system cannot find the path specified.
Missing core packages (dotenv), the app has not been installed successfully.
App exitted or crashed.
Starting command prompt for user to run commands in case of failure...
maxbizz commented 1 month ago

Today tried to install this again after deleting previous installation, but again got the same error at the same stage during installation.

 Attempting uninstall: numpy
    Found existing installation: numpy 1.26.3
    Uninstalling numpy-1.26.3:
      Successfully uninstalled numpy-1.26.3
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
albumentations 1.4.3 requires numpy>=1.24.4, but you have numpy 1.23.5 which is incompatible.
diffusers 0.27.2 requires huggingface-hub>=0.20.2, but you have huggingface-hub 0.19.4 which is incompatible.
fairseq 0.12.4 requires hydra-core<1.1,>=1.0.7, but you have hydra-core 1.3.2 which is incompatible.
fairseq 0.12.4 requires omegaconf<2.1, but you have omegaconf 2.3.0 which is incompatible.
mediapipe 0.10.11 requires protobuf<4,>=3.11, but you have protobuf 4.25.3 which is incompatible.
onnxruntime 1.15.0 requires numpy>=1.24.2, but you have numpy 1.23.5 which is incompatible.
onnxruntime-gpu 1.15.0 requires numpy>=1.24.2, but you have numpy 1.23.5 which is incompatible.
open-interpreter 0.2.0 requires tiktoken<0.5.0,>=0.4.0, but you have tiktoken 0.3.1 which is incompatible.
Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 numpy-1.23.5
Successfully installed Stable Audio dependencies
Installing hydra-core fix due to fairseq dependencies...
>pip install hydra-core==1.3.2 torch==2.3.1
Requirement already satisfied: hydra-core==1.3.2 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: torch==2.3.1 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (2.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: omegaconf<2.4,>=2.2 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from hydra-core==1.3.2) (2.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.* in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from hydra-core==1.3.2) (4.9.3)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from hydra-core==1.3.2) (24.1)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (3.12.4)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.8.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (4.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (1.12)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (2.8.8)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (2023.9.1)
Requirement already satisfied: mkl<=2021.4.0,>=2021.1.1 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (2021.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: intel-openmp==2021.* in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from mkl<=2021.4.0,>=2021.1.1->torch==2.3.1) (2021.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tbb==2021.* in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from mkl<=2021.4.0,>=2021.1.1->torch==2.3.1) (2021.13.0)
Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=5.1.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from omegaconf<2.4,>=2.2->hydra-core==1.3.2) (6.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->torch==2.3.1) (2.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from sympy->torch==2.3.1) (1.3.0)
Successfully installed hydra-core fix due to fairseq dependencies
Installing node_modules...
>cd react-ui && npm install

added 479 packages, and audited 480 packages in 38s

146 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

8 vulnerabilities (1 low, 4 moderate, 3 high)

To address issues that do not require attention, run:
  npm audit fix

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.
Successfully installed node_modules
Building react-ui...
>cd react-ui && npm run build

> tts-generation-webui-react@0.1.0 build
> next build

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx update-browserslist-db@latest
  Why you should do it regularly:
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx browserslist@latest --update-db
  Why you should do it regularly:
- info Creating an optimized production build
- info Compiled successfully
- info Linting and checking validity of types
- info Collecting page data
[    ] - info Generating static pages (0/24)[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\outputs'] {
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'scandir',
  path: 'I:\\AI\\tts-generation-webui-main\\outputs'
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\favorites'] {
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'scandir',
  path: 'I:\\AI\\tts-generation-webui-main\\favorites'
- info Generating static pages (24/24)
- info Finalizing page optimization

Route (app)                                Size     First Load JS
─ λ /api/upload                            0 B                0 B
+ First Load JS shared by all              0 B

Route (pages)                              Size     First Load JS
┌ ● /                                      1.55 kB         106 kB
├   /_app                                  0 B            92.4 kB
├ ○ /404                                   178 B          92.6 kB
├ λ /api/gradio/[name]                     0 B            92.4 kB
├ λ /api/webui-generations/[]       0 B            92.4 kB
├ ○ /bark                                  3.79 kB         120 kB
├ ○ /bark/bark_settings                    2.07 kB         106 kB
├ ○ /bark/bark_voice_generation            2.95 kB         114 kB
├ ○ /bark/vocos_npz                        2.7 kB          114 kB
├ ○ /bark/vocos_wav                        2.88 kB         114 kB
├ ● /bark/voices                           538 B           105 kB
├ ○ /demucs                                3.08 kB         115 kB
├ ● /generations                           188 B           105 kB
├ ○ /gpu_info                              964 B           105 kB
├ ● /history/[name]                        571 B           105 kB
├   ├ /history/outputs
├   └ /history/favorites
├ ○ /magnet                                1.5 kB          118 kB
├ ○ /maha-tts                              2.3 kB          117 kB
├ ○ /mms                                   1.5 kB          127 kB
├ ○ /musicgen                              2.67 kB         117 kB
├ ○ /pipeline                              6.05 kB         165 kB
├ ○ /rvc                                   4.53 kB         116 kB
├ ○ /tortoise                              1.38 kB         143 kB
├ ○ /vallex                                2.57 kB         117 kB
└ ● /voice-drafts                          631 B           105 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all              95.8 kB
  ├ chunks/main-f2f37a715f8b92e3.js        83.9 kB
  ├ chunks/pages/_app-31729643ea9b2513.js  6.53 kB
  ├ chunks/webpack-2c818183314dbd99.js     1.98 kB
  └ css/c88ad04737390e95.css               3.38 kB

λ  (Server)  server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
○  (Static)  automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
●  (SSG)     automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)

Successfully built react-ui
Checking if torch has CUDA...
>python -c import torch; exit(0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 1)

Finished init app.

'js' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Failed to init the app, exiting...
'"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue . . .
rsxdalv commented 1 month ago

Apologies for the late reply. Thank you for the logs you have provided. I can see that you indeed have installed the necessary packages, and yet the script does not see them. However, I am also seeing packages that don't belong to this project, so by all accounts it appears to confirm once again that there's a conda environment that's interfering with this one. Just a sanity check question - when running the installer do you have an active conda environment. Like (venv) ...> start_tts_webui.bat or do you simply click on it and open the file directly? I've heard that activating a conda within a conda can cause issues. Also if you do pip show barkI'm assuming it's going to have a different location than the project, and that it will show the miniconda3 installation path.

On Sat, Jul 20, 2024, 8:24 AM Max @.***> wrote:

Today tried to install this again after deleting previous installation, but again got the same error at the same stage during installation.

` Attempting uninstall: numpy Found existing installation: numpy 1.26.3 Uninstalling numpy-1.26.3: Successfully uninstalled numpy-1.26.3 ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. albumentations 1.4.3 requires numpy>=1.24.4, but you have numpy 1.23.5 which is incompatible. diffusers 0.27.2 requires huggingface-hub>=0.20.2, but you have huggingface-hub 0.19.4 which is incompatible. fairseq 0.12.4 requires hydra-core<1.1,>=1.0.7, but you have hydra-core 1.3.2 which is incompatible. fairseq 0.12.4 requires omegaconf<2.1, but you have omegaconf 2.3.0 which is incompatible. mediapipe 0.10.11 requires protobuf<4,>=3.11, but you have protobuf 4.25.3 which is incompatible. onnxruntime 1.15.0 requires numpy>=1.24.2, but you have numpy 1.23.5 which is incompatible. onnxruntime-gpu 1.15.0 requires numpy>=1.24.2, but you have numpy 1.23.5 which is incompatible. open-interpreter 0.2.0 requires tiktoken<0.5.0,>=0.4.0, but you have tiktoken 0.3.1 which is incompatible. Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 numpy-1.23.5 Successfully installed Stable Audio dependencies Installing hydra-core fix due to fairseq dependencies...

pip install hydra-core==1.3.2 torch==2.3.1 Requirement already satisfied: hydra-core==1.3.2 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (1.3.2) Requirement already satisfied: torch==2.3.1 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (2.3.1) Requirement already satisfied: omegaconf<2.4,>=2.2 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from hydra-core==1.3.2) (2.3.0) Requirement already satisfied: antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9. in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from hydra-core==1.3.2) (4.9.3) Requirement already satisfied: packaging in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from hydra-core==1.3.2) (24.1) Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (3.12.4) Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.8.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (4.11.0) Requirement already satisfied: sympy in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (1.12) Requirement already satisfied: networkx in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (2.8.8) Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (3.1.2) Requirement already satisfied: fsspec in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (2023.9.1) Requirement already satisfied: mkl<=2021.4.0,>=2021.1.1 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (2021.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: intel-openmp==2021. in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from mkl<=2021.4.0,>=2021.1.1->torch==2.3.1) (2021.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: tbb==2021.* in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from mkl<=2021.4.0,>=2021.1.1->torch==2.3.1) (2021.13.0) Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=5.1.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from omegaconf<2.4,>=2.2->hydra-core==1.3.2) (6.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->torch==2.3.1) (2.1.3) Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from sympy->torch==2.3.1) (1.3.0) Successfully installed hydra-core fix due to fairseq dependencies Installing node_modules... cd react-ui && npm install

added 479 packages, and audited 480 packages in 38s

146 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

8 vulnerabilities (1 low, 4 moderate, 3 high)

To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix

To address all issues, run: npm audit fix --force

Run npm audit for details. Successfully installed node_modules Building react-ui...

cd react-ui && npm run build

@.*** build next build

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx @. Why you should do it regularly: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx @. --update-db Why you should do it regularly:

  • info Creating an optimized production build
  • info Compiled successfully
  • info Linting and checking validity of types
  • info Collecting page data [ ] - info Generating static pages (0/24)[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\outputs'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'scandir', path: 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\outputs' } [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\favorites'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'scandir', path: 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\favorites' }
  • info Generating static pages (24/24)
  • info Finalizing page optimization

Route (app) Size First Load JS ─ λ /api/upload 0 B 0 B

  • First Load JS shared by all 0 B

Route (pages) Size First Load JS ┌ ● / 1.55 kB 106 kB ├ /_app 0 B 92.4 kB ├ ○ /404 178 B 92.6 kB ├ λ /api/gradio/[name] 0 B 92.4 kB ├ λ /api/webui-generations/[] 0 B 92.4 kB ├ ○ /bark 3.79 kB 120 kB ├ ○ /bark/bark_settings 2.07 kB 106 kB ├ ○ /bark/bark_voice_generation 2.95 kB 114 kB ├ ○ /bark/vocos_npz 2.7 kB 114 kB ├ ○ /bark/vocos_wav 2.88 kB 114 kB ├ ● /bark/voices 538 B 105 kB ├ ○ /demucs 3.08 kB 115 kB ├ ● /generations 188 B 105 kB ├ ○ /gpu_info 964 B 105 kB ├ ● /history/[name] 571 B 105 kB ├ ├ /history/outputs ├ └ /history/favorites ├ ○ /magnet 1.5 kB 118 kB ├ ○ /maha-tts 2.3 kB 117 kB ├ ○ /mms 1.5 kB 127 kB ├ ○ /musicgen 2.67 kB 117 kB ├ ○ /pipeline 6.05 kB 165 kB ├ ○ /rvc 4.53 kB 116 kB ├ ○ /tortoise 1.38 kB 143 kB ├ ○ /vallex 2.57 kB 117 kB └ ● /voice-drafts 631 B 105 kB

  • First Load JS shared by all 95.8 kB ├ chunks/main-f2f37a715f8b92e3.js 83.9 kB ├ chunks/pages/_app-31729643ea9b2513.js 6.53 kB ├ chunks/webpack-2c818183314dbd99.js 1.98 kB └ css/c88ad04737390e95.css 3.38 kB

λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps) ○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props) ● (SSG) automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)

Successfully built react-ui Checking if torch has CUDA...

python -c import torch; exit(0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 1)

Finished init app.

'js' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Failed to init the app, exiting... '"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Press any key to continue . . .


— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

rsxdalv commented 1 month ago

Yes, I can confirm it in the latest log once again:

Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from sympy->torch==2.3.1) (1.3.0)

As you can see, it has installed itself in the wrong location. I'm assuming you have miniconda3 for another AI project, like stable diffusion, or do you develop yourself too?

On Sat, Jul 20, 2024, 9:42 AM Roberts Slisans @.***> wrote:

Apologies for the late reply. Thank you for the logs you have provided. I can see that you indeed have installed the necessary packages, and yet the script does not see them. However, I am also seeing packages that don't belong to this project, so by all accounts it appears to confirm once again that there's a conda environment that's interfering with this one. Just a sanity check question - when running the installer do you have an active conda environment. Like (venv) ...> start_tts_webui.bat or do you simply click on it and open the file directly? I've heard that activating a conda within a conda can cause issues. Also if you do pip show barkI'm assuming it's going to have a different location than the project, and that it will show the miniconda3 installation path.

On Sat, Jul 20, 2024, 8:24 AM Max @.***> wrote:

Today tried to install this again after deleting previous installation, but again got the same error at the same stage during installation.

` Attempting uninstall: numpy Found existing installation: numpy 1.26.3 Uninstalling numpy-1.26.3: Successfully uninstalled numpy-1.26.3 ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. albumentations 1.4.3 requires numpy>=1.24.4, but you have numpy 1.23.5 which is incompatible. diffusers 0.27.2 requires huggingface-hub>=0.20.2, but you have huggingface-hub 0.19.4 which is incompatible. fairseq 0.12.4 requires hydra-core<1.1,>=1.0.7, but you have hydra-core 1.3.2 which is incompatible. fairseq 0.12.4 requires omegaconf<2.1, but you have omegaconf 2.3.0 which is incompatible. mediapipe 0.10.11 requires protobuf<4,>=3.11, but you have protobuf 4.25.3 which is incompatible. onnxruntime 1.15.0 requires numpy>=1.24.2, but you have numpy 1.23.5 which is incompatible. onnxruntime-gpu 1.15.0 requires numpy>=1.24.2, but you have numpy 1.23.5 which is incompatible. open-interpreter 0.2.0 requires tiktoken<0.5.0,>=0.4.0, but you have tiktoken 0.3.1 which is incompatible. Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 numpy-1.23.5 Successfully installed Stable Audio dependencies Installing hydra-core fix due to fairseq dependencies...

pip install hydra-core==1.3.2 torch==2.3.1 Requirement already satisfied: hydra-core==1.3.2 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (1.3.2) Requirement already satisfied: torch==2.3.1 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (2.3.1) Requirement already satisfied: omegaconf<2.4,>=2.2 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from hydra-core==1.3.2) (2.3.0) Requirement already satisfied: antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9. in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from hydra-core==1.3.2) (4.9.3) Requirement already satisfied: packaging in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from hydra-core==1.3.2) (24.1) Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (3.12.4) Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.8.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (4.11.0) Requirement already satisfied: sympy in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (1.12) Requirement already satisfied: networkx in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (2.8.8) Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (3.1.2) Requirement already satisfied: fsspec in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (2023.9.1) Requirement already satisfied: mkl<=2021.4.0,>=2021.1.1 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from torch==2.3.1) (2021.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: intel-openmp==2021. in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from mkl<=2021.4.0,>=2021.1.1->torch==2.3.1) (2021.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: tbb==2021.* in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from mkl<=2021.4.0,>=2021.1.1->torch==2.3.1) (2021.13.0) Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=5.1.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from omegaconf<2.4,>=2.2->hydra-core==1.3.2) (6.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->torch==2.3.1) (2.1.3) Requirement already satisfied: mpmath>=0.19 in c:\users\satyajit\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from sympy->torch==2.3.1) (1.3.0) Successfully installed hydra-core fix due to fairseq dependencies Installing node_modules... cd react-ui && npm install

added 479 packages, and audited 480 packages in 38s

146 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

8 vulnerabilities (1 low, 4 moderate, 3 high)

To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix

To address all issues, run: npm audit fix --force

Run npm audit for details. Successfully installed node_modules Building react-ui...

cd react-ui && npm run build

@.*** build next build

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx @. Why you should do it regularly: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx @. --update-db Why you should do it regularly:

  • info Creating an optimized production build
  • info Compiled successfully
  • info Linting and checking validity of types
  • info Collecting page data [ ] - info Generating static pages (0/24)[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\outputs'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'scandir', path: 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\outputs' } [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\favorites'] { errno: -4058, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'scandir', path: 'I:\AI\tts-generation-webui-main\favorites' }
  • info Generating static pages (24/24)
  • info Finalizing page optimization

Route (app) Size First Load JS ─ λ /api/upload 0 B 0 B

  • First Load JS shared by all 0 B

Route (pages) Size First Load JS ┌ ● / 1.55 kB 106 kB ├ /_app 0 B 92.4 kB ├ ○ /404 178 B 92.6 kB ├ λ /api/gradio/[name] 0 B 92.4 kB ├ λ /api/webui-generations/[] 0 B 92.4 kB ├ ○ /bark 3.79 kB 120 kB ├ ○ /bark/bark_settings 2.07 kB 106 kB ├ ○ /bark/bark_voice_generation 2.95 kB 114 kB ├ ○ /bark/vocos_npz 2.7 kB 114 kB ├ ○ /bark/vocos_wav 2.88 kB 114 kB ├ ● /bark/voices 538 B 105 kB ├ ○ /demucs 3.08 kB 115 kB ├ ● /generations 188 B 105 kB ├ ○ /gpu_info 964 B 105 kB ├ ● /history/[name] 571 B 105 kB ├ ├ /history/outputs ├ └ /history/favorites ├ ○ /magnet 1.5 kB 118 kB ├ ○ /maha-tts 2.3 kB 117 kB ├ ○ /mms 1.5 kB 127 kB ├ ○ /musicgen 2.67 kB 117 kB ├ ○ /pipeline 6.05 kB 165 kB ├ ○ /rvc 4.53 kB 116 kB ├ ○ /tortoise 1.38 kB 143 kB ├ ○ /vallex 2.57 kB 117 kB └ ● /voice-drafts 631 B 105 kB

  • First Load JS shared by all 95.8 kB ├ chunks/main-f2f37a715f8b92e3.js 83.9 kB ├ chunks/pages/_app-31729643ea9b2513.js 6.53 kB ├ chunks/webpack-2c818183314dbd99.js 1.98 kB └ css/c88ad04737390e95.css 3.38 kB

λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps) ○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props) ● (SSG) automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)

Successfully built react-ui Checking if torch has CUDA...

python -c import torch; exit(0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 1)

Finished init app.

'js' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Failed to init the app, exiting... '"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Press any key to continue . . .


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maxbizz commented 1 month ago

No need to apologize mate, Im just keen to make this up and running as fast as i can. What i do is, i just double clck to open the start_tts_webui.bat file. so yes,No other venv is activated.

Yes, i have a few AI projects installed on my PC so yes i have miniconda installed on my system previously. May be that's conflicting with this project.

But how do make a clean install without any interference with any previous installations. I have no idea

rsxdalv commented 1 month ago

Tell you what, I will try to install miniconda3 and break my system to see if I can fix it. I have installed it before but didn't see this problem.

From what I understand the PATH or something else causes "conda" to use the miniconda3 rather than the newly installed version. There could be other causes, like micro mamba failing on your specific system but that's impossible to determine without running a lot of diagnostics.

On Sat, Jul 20, 2024, 2:06 PM Max @.***> wrote:

No need to apologize mate, Im just keen to make this up and running as fast as i can. As i can check i just double clck to open the start_tts_webui.bat file. NO other venv is activated. Yes, i have a few AI projects installed on my PC so yes i have miniconda installed on my system previously. May be that's conflicting with this project. But how do make a clean install without any interference with any previous installations.

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rsxdalv commented 1 month ago

I've not seen the environment break yet, but I'd like to ask you to run the new diagnostics.bat script inside installer_scripts folder (you will need to run the start_tts_webui to pull the latest changes, or git pull). It's a script that lists all of the info about your system PATH, conda, git etc into diagnostics.txt file. The first part of that file should show exactly what's up with this project's conda and miniconda3

On Sat, Jul 20, 2024, 2:40 PM Roberts Slisans @.***> wrote:

Tell you what, I will try to install miniconda3 and break my system to see if I can fix it. I have installed it before but didn't see this problem.

From what I understand the PATH or something else causes "conda" to use the miniconda3 rather than the newly installed version. There could be other causes, like micro mamba failing on your specific system but that's impossible to determine without running a lot of diagnostics.

On Sat, Jul 20, 2024, 2:06 PM Max @.***> wrote:

No need to apologize mate, Im just keen to make this up and running as fast as i can. As i can check i just double clck to open the start_tts_webui.bat file. NO other venv is activated. Yes, i have a few AI projects installed on my PC so yes i have miniconda installed on my system previously. May be that's conflicting with this project. But how do make a clean install without any interference with any previous installations.

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