rt2zz / redux-persist

persist and rehydrate a redux store
MIT License
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persist/REHYDRATE payload and err is undefined #719

Open tonykawa opened 6 years ago

tonykawa commented 6 years ago

image I use redux-persist 5.7.2 with react-starter-kit. I tried 5.6.12, it doesn't run persist/REHYDRATE. configureStore.js const authPersistConfig = { key: 'root', storage: storageSession, }; export default function configureStore(initialState, helpersConfig) { const helpers = createHelpers(helpersConfig); const middleware = [thunk.withExtraArgument(helpers)]; let enhancer; if (__DEV__) { middleware.push(createLogger()); let devToolsExtension = f => f; if (process.env.BROWSER && window.devToolsExtension) { devToolsExtension = window.devToolsExtension(); } enhancer = compose(applyMiddleware(...middleware), devToolsExtension); } else { enhancer = applyMiddleware(...middleware);} const rootReducer = createRootReducer(); const persistedReducer = persistReducer(authPersistConfig, rootReducer); const store = createStore(persistedReducer, initialState, enhancer); if (__DEV__ && module.hot) { module.hot.accept('../reducers', () => if you change reducers back to normal rootReducer. store.replaceReducer(require('../reducers').default()), );} const persistor = persistStore(store); return { store, persistor }; }

Do i set it wrong?

part of client.js const { store, persistor } = configureStore(window.App.state, { apolloClient, fetch, history, });

const renderReactApp = isInitialRender ? ReactDOM.hydrate : ReactDOM.render; appInstance = renderReactApp( <App context={context}> <PersistGate loading={null} persistor={persistor}> {route.component} </PersistGate> </App>,container, () => { if (isInitialRender) { const elem = document.getElementById('css'); if (elem) elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); return; } The PersistGate in server.js is same as client.js

rt2zz commented 6 years ago

are you using android? react native AsyncStorage has a bug with android when the debugger is open causing this to happen. As you can see the persist is timing out (check the error on the REHYDRATE action).

The only workaround for this is to use a different storage engine: https://github.com/rt2zz/redux-persist#storage-engines

tonykawa commented 6 years ago

No, i am writing website using react

rt2zz commented 6 years ago

hm, then possibly a bug with storageSession? You could try using localForage (https://github.com/localForage/localForage) and see if that works?

tonykawa commented 6 years ago

[13:12:54] Finished 'server' compilation after 15634 ms [13:12:54] Launching server... redux-persist failed to create sync storage. falling back to memory storage. ... persist/REHYDRATE: { type: 'persist/REHYDRATE', payload: undefined, err: undefined, key: 'root' } This is the error message when i yarn start my project.

rt2zz commented 6 years ago

ah interesting, so session storage is failing - that explains the behavior. We need to figure out why.

That means this line is failing: https://github.com/rt2zz/redux-persist/blob/master/src/storage/getStorage.js#L35

are you running this in a standard browser? Is it a private browsing session perhaps?

tonykawa commented 6 years ago

I run in the latest chrome and tried localstorage & LOCALFORAGE, but also fail. I move PersistGate from client.js to App.js and create persist reducer to show all persist action.

export default function persist(state = null, action) { console.warn(action); switch (action.type) { case 'persist/REHYDRATE': return { ...state, persistedState: action.payload, }; default: return state;}}

This is the result. I can get the previous result (user), before execute the persist/REHYDRATE. image

After executed the persist/REHYDRATE, the result was set to null (user).

rt2zz commented 6 years ago

Ok I see REHYDRATE is being called twice, can you make sure you are on the latest version of redux persist? I believe 5.7.x may have had a bug causing this

tonykawa commented 6 years ago

yes, the redux persist version in my project is 5.8.0. however, the result is same as 5.7.2.

challme28 commented 6 years ago

I have to say I've been stuck in this problem for a while now and it was my fault. I forgot to return an action on an Epic. I hope this helps anyone

atav32 commented 6 years ago

@challme28 could you explain a little more? maybe a code snippet?

atav32 commented 6 years ago

@tonykawa you can use ``` code in here ``` for multi-line code fragments. It gets rendered nicely, for example

// configureStore.js

const authPersistConfig = {
  key: 'root',
  storage: storageSession,
export default function configureStore(initialState, helpersConfig) {
  const helpers = createHelpers(helpersConfig);
  const middleware = [thunk.withExtraArgument(helpers)];
  let enhancer;
  if (__DEV__) {
    let devToolsExtension = f => f;
    if (process.env.BROWSER && window.devToolsExtension) {
      devToolsExtension = window.devToolsExtension();
    enhancer = compose(applyMiddleware(...middleware), devToolsExtension);
  } else {
    enhancer = applyMiddleware(...middleware);
  const rootReducer = createRootReducer();
  const persistedReducer = persistReducer(authPersistConfig, rootReducer);
  const store = createStore(persistedReducer, initialState, enhancer);
  if (__DEV__ && module.hot) {
    module.hot.accept('../reducers', () =>
      // if you change reducers back to normal
  const persistor = persistStore(store);
  return {


screen shot 2018-03-01 at 11 43 39 am
challme28 commented 6 years ago

@tonykawa I had it like this:

export function rehydrateEpic(action$: ActionsObservable<RehydrateAction>) {
  return action$.ofType(REHYDRATE)
    .mergeMap(({ payload }) => {
        const { authenticated } = payload.auth;
        if (authenticated) {
          return Observable.of(HomeAction)

If the user is not authenticated it does not return anything so Rehydrated is called again

Ok I see REHYDRATE is being called twice

So i had to add a else return Observable.of(notAuthenticated());. This stopped the second call on REHYDRATE

atav32 commented 6 years ago

@rt2zz is dispatching REHYDRATE twice a bug?

atav32 commented 6 years ago

only happening when the storage is empty, so there's nothing to hydrate from?

@rt2zz tried the different storage engines (localStorage, sessionStorage, localForage), but all of them are showing the same error:

screen shot 2018-03-01 at 1 56 26 pm
atav32 commented 6 years ago

Temporary workaround is to check if action.payload is defined

export const app = (state = appDefaultState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case REHYDRATE:
      if (action.payload) { // <- I guess this works, but it's kinda ugly
        return {
          user: action.payload.user,
      } else {
        return state;

rt2zz commented 6 years ago

@atav32 you are seeing persist dispatched twice when there is no prior storage? That is definitely a bug, but I dont see how that can happen as we only allow rehydrate to be called once (per persistReducer): https://github.com/rt2zz/redux-persist/blob/master/src/persistReducer.js#L71-L86

mattmcdonald-uk commented 6 years ago

I have the same issue.

Using version 5.9.1 I get an undefined payload if there's nothing in localstorage (same with localForage).

atav32 commented 6 years ago

@mattmcdonald-uk I just ended up doing this, https://egghead.io/lessons/javascript-redux-persisting-the-state-to-the-local-storage

YCMitch commented 4 years ago

@rt2zz I'm still still getting these issues, although they only seem to affect random devices. In my office there's 10 of us using my app, and only 2 people seem to get this.

In my case, rehydrate only happens once, but payload and err are both empty. Is it perhaps a memory issue?

kent2508 commented 4 years ago

put on code in a lazy component (200-300 ms) and your project will work again. Example: `



DeVoresyah commented 3 years ago

@rt2zz I'm still still getting these issues, although they only seem to affect random devices. In my office there's 10 of us using my app, and only 2 people seem to get this.

In my case, rehydrate only happens once, but payload and err are both empty. Is it perhaps a memory issue?

same issue, but in my case, it happens when hermes engine is enabled

ondrejkolin commented 2 years ago

I experienced very similar issue caused by my store. Make sure you always return something from the store. Even if you don't plan to change anything.

I was missing the default branch for following switch.

            return {
        case USER_LOGOUT:
            return {
                user: undefined
            return state
yestay90 commented 2 years ago

@rt2zz I'm still still getting these issues, although they only seem to affect random devices. In my office there's 10 of us using my app, and only 2 people seem to get this. In my case, rehydrate only happens once, but payload and err are both empty. Is it perhaps a memory issue?

same issue, but in my case, it happens when hermes engine is enabled

@DeVoresyah hello, have you figured out why we have timeout error after Hermes is enabled?