rtCamp / Frappe-Manager

A CLI tool based on Docker Compose to easily manage Frappe based projects.
MIT License
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Pulling Docker Images Failed #72

Closed NagariaHussain closed 9 months ago

NagariaHussain commented 9 months ago

Tried to run fm create fm2.localhost --apps erpnext:version-15:

CleanShot 2023-12-08 at 06 47 47@2x

Docker Desktop is installed and running, don't know why this is failing? Maybe we can show a more specific error message?

Machine: MacBook Pro M1 Pro

NagariaHussain commented 9 months ago

Pulling some image manually works:

CleanShot 2023-12-08 at 06 52 58@2x

Xieyt commented 9 months ago

Could you review or share the logs located at ~/frappe/logs/fm.log? That willl contain the specific error causing the above issue.

NagariaHussain commented 9 months ago
DEBUG:  nginx Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,187] DEBUG:  frappe Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,189] DEBUG:  mailhog Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,189] DEBUG:  adminer Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,190] DEBUG:  mariadb Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,191] DEBUG:  redis-queue Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,192] DEBUG: Error response from daemon: Head "https://ghcr.io/v2/rtcamp/frappe-manager-nginx/manifests/v0.8.3": denied: denied
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,194] DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 18
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,194] 

You can find the complete log here.

NagariaHussain commented 9 months ago

Also, it will be good if it shows a message like "Check logs at ~/frappe/logs/fm.log for more info" when setup fails.

Xieyt commented 9 months ago
DEBUG:  nginx Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,187] DEBUG:  frappe Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,189] DEBUG:  mailhog Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,189] DEBUG:  adminer Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,190] DEBUG:  mariadb Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,191] DEBUG:  redis-queue Error 
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,192] DEBUG: Error response from daemon: Head "https://ghcr.io/v2/rtcamp/frappe-manager-nginx/manifests/v0.8.3": denied: denied
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,194] DEBUG: RETURN CODE: 18
[2023-12-08 06:47:45,194] 

You can find the complete log here.

When you're logged into the Docker ghcr.io registry and your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) has expired, you'll encounter this issue. There are two solutions available, so choose the one that suits you best:

NagariaHussain commented 9 months ago

Thanks @Xieyt! Once I logged out, the experience was super smooth! Kudos!

Posted a quick review on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7138855991420391424/

Closing the issue, but still showing the message I commented about earlier can be helpful for the user.

Xieyt commented 9 months ago

Thanks @NagariaHussain for the suggestion, I have created a feature-request -> #73.