rtCamp / nginx-helper

Nginx Helper for WordPress caching, permalinks & efficient file handling in multisite
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Purge all through the nginx module #249

Open gabriel-curtino opened 3 years ago

gabriel-curtino commented 3 years ago


I setup the plugin to work with the fastcgi_cache_purge module and realize was not purging the cache. I’ve found that was because it's trying to delete all cache directly through the filesystem instead through the nginx module (as this setting was the chosen one)

After checking the code, I’ve realized that the module supported don't work with wildcards then it seems there is no choice but to clear all cache removing the files. This was affecting only to the Purge All action.

This is may be fine for a single WordPress installation but, at least in my installation, where each user has its own linux user and runs PHP-FPM as himself plus with the open_basedir policy enabled. This means it will never works unless I "fix" the open_basedir settings adding the folder to its allowed paths and grant permissions to the nginx cache folder for all users. Well, this is not an option.

Then I’ve found a newer “version” of the module that allow the use of wildcards and then will make possible to clear all or partially the cache though the nginx module when you've set to use it.

It will be nice if this plugin:

1) Adds support for the newer ngx_cache_purge module 2) Purge all though the ngx_cache_purge module 3) Allows custom purges accepting wildcards

Thanks so much for this plugin!

sonnetmia commented 3 years ago

I am also struggling to make it works.