rtcTo / rtc2gitcli

An IBM's RTC SCM tool extension to migrate an RTC repository into a Git repository
MIT License
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commit against workitem #48

Open himmakam opened 6 years ago

himmakam commented 6 years ago

Hi, I used all the steps and it is successful. One thing I observe is if the rtc changes are promoted agianst a workitem, the git history shows as "No Comment". I expected it to be workitem number and description that the rtc changes are promted to. can someone tell me if this workitem reference is stored in git somewhere. if so where and how can i push the same to git. This is very helpful as everything else works fine. Appreciate your help. Thanks/

The log somewhat looks like this - [2018-04-30 14:35:25] Migrated [HEAD] [334]/[335] changesets. Accept took 1933ms commit took 69ms [2018-04-30 14:35:28] Accepting changes: [2018-04-30 14:35:29] Repository: https://jazzcxxxx.hursley.ibm.com:9443/ccm/ [2018-04-30 14:35:29] Workspace: (6706) "FO2-dst" [2018-04-30 14:35:29] Component: (5940) "Foundation_Others" [2018-04-30 14:35:29] Change sets: [2018-04-30 14:35:29] (6694) ----$ xxxxxx "" 13-Nov-2017 06:14 PM [2018-04-30 14:35:29] Changes: [2018-04-30 14:35:29] ---c- /Foundation_Others/RMG_Scripts/FoundationCD.pl [2018-04-30 14:35:29] Work items: [2018-04-30 14:35:29] (6691) 550545 "FP image build process has to be enhanced to handle syste..." [2018-04-30 14:35:29] Accept command completed successfully. [2018-04-30 14:35:29] DelegateCommand [accept FO2-dst _7v7EcMhnEeemv-_JpSZ3Mg baseline[false]] finished in

himmakam commented 6 years ago

@WtfJoke, can you please let me know if you have any idea on this. I would like to understand where the info related to "Work items" go in git and how can I see this.

I am referring to below -

[2018-04-30 14:35:29] Work items: [2018-04-30 14:35:29] (6691) 550545 "FP image build process has to be enhanced to handle syste..."

akoptelov commented 6 years ago

@himmakam In RTC it is possible to add comment to a changeset, and this comment is converted to GIT commit message. However, most RTC users tend to skip adding that comment as in RTC views assigned work item summary is displayed.

Last summer I added possibility to include RTC work item text to the commit. I must admit I haven't spent much time documenting that feature, but there's an issue #34 and a fix for it that allows you to use %3s in commit.message.format in migration.properties that would expand to work item summary.

WtfJoke commented 6 years ago

Hi himmakam

I dont think work item reference is stored somewhere in git. Its only used to get commit message itself, see here .

And as @akoptelov already stated, a lot of rtc user tend to skip adding a comment on rtc changesets when there is a workitem attached.