rte-antares-rpackage / antaresRead

Import, manipulate and explore the results of an Antares simulation
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CRAN : cran problème fedora à prendre en compte #111

Closed jalazawa closed 6 years ago

jalazawa commented 6 years ago

Partiellement fait.

The Bioconductor branch used by R-devel has been very unstable recently, and it has been decided not to use it for the Fedora checks on R-devel. As you can see from the CRAN results pages (at least at the time of writing), packages

ACMEeqtl BoSSA CNVassoc CorShrink GRANBase GenCAT GiANT NMF PlackettLuce ProFit ProFound RNAseqNet SIBERG antaresRead apcluster cherry clValid coloc colorhcplot entropart filematrix fuzzyforest fuzzyjoin glycanr hexbin loon nscancor ordinalgmifs penalized phangorn propr shiftR switchr tcgsaseq tileHMM tmod

then give ERRORs or (new) WARNINGs on their checks. Please correct ASAP, and by Feb 20 to safely retain the package on CRAN.

jalazawa commented 6 years ago