rte-antares-rpackage / antaresXpansion

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It it possible to modify the number of MC years during a run ? #22

Open payementcha opened 7 years ago

payementcha commented 7 years ago

I would like to compare two studies one with 1000 MC years and the other one using the antaresXpansion package. Is it possible to launch a study from the package and reopen the study, manually adapting the MC years parameters and relaunch an other one ?

The other solution is to save an other study to condutct the study.



baptsegu commented 7 years ago

If you start with a "single run" of 1000MC years, followed by a run of antaresXpansion of (e.g.) 100 MC, it is possible to :

  1. Run manually an ANTARES simulation
  2. Change the number of MC years though the interface (with the playlist for example)
  3. Run the expansion problem with R

The contrary is not possible as the ANTARES study cannot be changed while the benders decomposition is running.