rtfarte / OpenPDF

No longer actively maintained. Please send all pull requests to: https://github.com/librepdf/openpdf
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make an OpenPDF organization? #19

Closed bengolder closed 8 years ago

bengolder commented 8 years ago

This comment by @gilbertoca suggests that we make an official repo under a github organization. I think that's a good idea. And it would make more sense to publish to Maven Central from an OpenPDF organization repo than from the fork on my personal account.

What do you think?

ghost commented 8 years ago


bengolder commented 8 years ago

Great, I'll try to set that up today or tomorrow, as well as pull in the license corrections. I'll close this issue when it's done.

ghost commented 8 years ago

By the way, does the name OpenPDF infringe on any PDF trademarks?

kulatamicuda commented 8 years ago

I have found this project https://sourceforge.net/projects/openpdf/

bengolder commented 8 years ago

https://github.com/OpenPDF is taken. I contacted github support and learned that it is currently in use but the activity is not public

We would have to use a different organization name. These are available:

ghost commented 8 years ago

Some suggestions: OpenPDF4J, libOpenPDF, LGPLPDF, OPDFNT (OpenPDFisNotiText), YaPDFLib (Yet another PDF Library), LibrePDF

gilbertoca commented 8 years ago

I'm toward OpenPDF4J and LibrePDF.

bengolder commented 8 years ago


I've sent some invitations. If you didn't get an invite, but you'd like to help maintain the organization, please let me know.

If you did get an invite but you're not interested in joining the organization. That's okay too. :) Feel free to ignore it.

I migrated my fork of the project to the organization: https://github.com/LibrePDF/OpenPDF

gilbertoca commented 8 years ago

@rtfarte @andreasrosdal @bengolder I didn't understand. You didn't change anything. I thought the library would be called librepdf-1.0.jar and the organization LibrePDF. LibrePDF-->librepdf If the idea was keep the same name, then OpenPDF4J makes more sense, no? OpenPDF4J-->openpdf instead of LivrePDF-->openpdf