rtfeldman / elm-css

Typed CSS in Elm.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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17.0.4 generated class name is not added when there's also a set class name #564

Closed tesk9 closed 2 years ago

tesk9 commented 2 years ago

(Example available at https://ellie-app.com/gnGZhWfMXcMa1.)

When there's just css, the styles work as expected:

import Css exposing (..)
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (class, css)

main =
        [ css
            [ height (Css.px 100)
            , width (Css.px 100)
            , backgroundColor (rgb 100 0 0)
            , color  (rgb 100 0 0)
        [ text "This text should be hidden!" ]
        |> toUnstyled

And the generated class name is attached to the element:

Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 9 27 05 AM

However, when a class attribute is also added,

import Css exposing (..)
import Html.Styled exposing (..)
import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (class, css)

main =
        [ css
            [ height (Css.px 100)
            , width (Css.px 100)
            , backgroundColor (rgb 100 0 0)
            , color  (rgb 100 0 0)
        , class "some-custom-class"
        [ text "This text should be hidden!" ]
        |> toUnstyled

The generated class name is not attached to the element:

Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 9 26 41 AM

Which results in the styles not being applied.

rtfeldman commented 2 years ago

@Confidenceman02 - any other ideas besides the class approach in https://github.com/rtfeldman/elm-css/pull/562?

tesk9 commented 2 years ago

@Arkham and I noticed that :

Html.Styled.Attributes.class currently uses property to set the "className".

If manually use Html.Styled.Attributes.attribute "class" instead, the class is correctly included in the rendered code: https://ellie-app.com/gnJc3ttWvnga1

Should we change the class implementation to use an attribute instead?

rtfeldman commented 2 years ago

Worth a try! It might break other things, but at this point it seems to be down to finding these things the hard way. 😅

tesk9 commented 2 years ago

I started working on a PR to implement this, and found another problem when I went to add tests to Styled.elm

bug564 : Test
bug564 =
    describe "Github Issue #564: https://github.com/rtfeldman/elm-css/issues/564"
        [ Test.test "generated class is included when there's no custom class" <|
            \_ ->
                    [ css [ color (rgb 0 0 0) ]
                    |> toUnstyled
                    |> Query.fromHtml
                    |> Query.has [ Selector.class "_5dc67897" ]
        , Test.test "custom class is included when there's no generated class" <|
            \_ ->
                div [ class "some-custom-class" ]
                    |> toUnstyled
                    |> Query.fromHtml
                    |> Query.has [ Selector.class "some-custom-class" ]
        , Test.test "custom class is included as well as generated class" <|
            \_ ->
                    [ css [ color (rgb 0 0 0) ]
                    , class "some-custom-class"
                    |> toUnstyled
                    |> Query.fromHtml
                    |> Query.has [ Selector.classes [ "_5dc67897", "some-custom-class" ] ]

Before I made any other changes, I expected only the test "custom class is included as well as generated class" to fail. However, "generated class is included when there's no custom class" also fails!

I believe that elm-explorations/test only supports testing properties, not attributes.

I made a quick test module with elm/html demonstrating the behavior:

module Example exposing (..)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute, class, property)
import Json.Encode
import Test exposing (..)
import Test.Html.Query as Query
import Test.Html.Selector as Selector

suite : Test
suite =
    describe "class attribute assertions"
        [ describe "Using Html.Attribute.class" <|
            classAssertions <|
                div [ class "some-custom-class" ] []
        , describe "Using Html.Attribute.property" <|
            classAssertions <|
                div [ property "className" (Json.Encode.string "some-custom-class") ] []
        , describe "Using Html.Attribute.attribute" <|
            classAssertions <|
                div [ attribute "class" "some-custom-class" ] []

classAssertions : Html msg -> List Test
classAssertions html =
    [ test "Test.Html.Selector.class finds the class" <|
        \_ ->
                |> Query.fromHtml
                |> Query.has [ Selector.class "some-custom-class" ]
    , test "Test.Html.Selector.classes finds the class" <|
        \_ ->
                |> Query.fromHtml
                |> Query.has [ Selector.classes [ "some-custom-class" ] ]
    , test "Test.Html.Selector.exactClassName finds the class" <|
        \_ ->
                |> Query.fromHtml
                |> Query.has [ Selector.exactClassName "some-custom-class" ]

With these tests, these are my results:

Running 9 tests. To reproduce these results, run: elm-test --fuzz 100 --seed 267504658862962

↓ Example
↓ class attribute assertions
↓ Using Html.Attribute.attribute
✗ Test.Html.Selector.class finds the class

    ▼ Query.fromHtml

        <div class="some-custom-class">

    ▼ Query.has [ class "some-custom-class" ]

    ✗ has class "some-custom-class"

↓ Example
↓ class attribute assertions
↓ Using Html.Attribute.attribute
✗ Test.Html.Selector.classes finds the class

    ▼ Query.fromHtml

        <div class="some-custom-class">

    ▼ Query.has [ classes "some-custom-class" ]

    ✗ has classes "some-custom-class"

↓ Example
↓ class attribute assertions
↓ Using Html.Attribute.attribute
✗ Test.Html.Selector.exactClassName finds the class

    ▼ Query.fromHtml

        <div class="some-custom-class">

    ▼ Query.has [ attribute "className" "some-custom-class" ]

    ✗ has attribute "className" "some-custom-class"


Duration: 121 ms
Passed:   6
Failed:   3

All of which is a long-winded way of saying: changing property -> attribute for class in elm-css will mean that class assertions using elm-explorations/test will no longer work.

Confidenceman02 commented 2 years ago

Previously property was being used VirtualDom.property "className" ... I wonder what would happen if we just changed "className" to "class"?

Confidenceman02 commented 2 years ago

Nope that doesn't work :cry:

Confidenceman02 commented 2 years ago

Just throwing an idea out there.

Considering the trouble makers are svg elements, we could just give NodeNS and KeyedNodeNS type a different function rather than calling extractUnstyledAttribute. Just call it extractUnstyledAttributeNS then use the attribute property instead.

The VirtualDom has seperate types for svg's so it might make sense to handle updating classes seperately as well.

extractUnstyledAttributeNS: Dict CssTemplate Classname -> Attribute msg -> VirtualDom.Attribute msg
extractUnstyledAttributeNS styles (Attribute val isCssStyles cssTemplate) =
    if isCssStyles then
        case Dict.get cssTemplate styles of
            Just classname ->
                VirtualDom.attribute "class" classname

             Nothing ->
                 VirtualDom.attribute "class" "_unstyled"

This way we can revert the original function to what it was and just handle the special svg case. elm-test will work for regular html elements as it used to using this fix.

Confidenceman02 commented 2 years ago

Just tested and yep it works! PR good to go.


janwirth commented 2 years ago

Appreciate your work! I encountered this issue today when upgrading elm-css - classnames for some custom styling / custom element behavior is missing.

Confidenceman02 commented 2 years ago

Going to patch elm-test to make this work there as well. Not sure if elm-explorations projects accept PR's from non official elm peeps so will see what happens. Looks like not much has happened in that project for a while 🤷

rtfeldman commented 2 years ago

I'd be happy to accept a PR for it on elm-explorations/test too! 👍

Confidenceman02 commented 2 years ago

@rtfeldman That's wonderful thank you! I'll give it a shot! 😄

Confidenceman02 commented 2 years ago

@rtfeldman did we get a release from this?

rtfeldman commented 2 years ago

Now it is! 17.0.5

rtfeldman commented 2 years ago

cc @tesk9 😄