rtfeldman / elm-workshop

An introductory Elm workshop. Video available on Frontend Masters!
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Enhanced Transcriptions for Front End Masters Elm Workshop Videos (for accessibility and translation/non-english speakers) #8

Open iteles opened 7 years ago

iteles commented 7 years ago

Hi @rtfeldman, firstly thank you for all your fantastic content and all you have (already) done to make the Elm community so welcoming, inclusive and fun!! 😍

Secondly, apologies for this essay of a issue, we hope it will be worthy of your time to read & reply to it!


We have been learning elm for a while and were delighted to discover that you had made the time to record a video series for FrontEnd Masters (FEM)!

At least 5 people on our team have subscribed to FEM specifically to access your workshop videos, and we expect many more to follow in the next few weeks/months as we transition our stack from Redux+React/Riot.js+etc. to Elm.

(So) What?

Last year when we were learning how to use Redux we followed Dan Abramov's Egghead Video Series and made complete transcriptions/notes for all the videos: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-redux/{link-to-md-file} These proved quite popular in the community for many reasons:

Long-story-short, as part of Learning Elm, we have started transcribing Your FEM Lectures: https://github.com/dwyl/elm-workshop/blob/transcript/part1/transcript.md

Without going too much further, we want to request your "blessing" to continue and suggest that we send you a Pull Request for you to integrate the Transcripts back into your elm-workshop repository.

If "enhanced transcription" is already being worked on by someone at FEM we are happy to halt our efforts to avoid duplicating effort. But if nobody is (already) working on it, we will gladly do it because transcribing ensures our own understanding of the material and improves the learning/comprehension for everyone in the community.

How? (Proposal)

We propose a divide-and-conquer approach where a pair of people transcribes each video while they are following the videos for their own personal learning.

We will organise the the transcript.md into the the 14 Parts of the elm-workshop so that all future Elm learners can follow along while they are watching your FEM videos.


We would allocate 20 people; 2 to each of the 10 videos and you would receive 10 Pull Requests over the next few weeks.

>> Please let us know your thoughts either way on this so we know if we should continue (send you PRs) or stop! (thanks!!)

Who (are "We"...)?

We are a community of Web Application Developers based in London (UK) (but increasingly distributed around the world) We build Web Apps for clients ranging from "startups" to fortune 500 companies. As previously mentioned, we are going to be switching from Redux+React+etc. to Elm for all projects for the foreseeable future (because we :heart: the community-spirit / clear leadership+vision / features / platform / ecosystem)!


We used Redux+React+etc. for several internal & client projects last year, some of them reached substantial levels of "complexity" (hundreds of Reducers/React Components over tens of thousands of lines!) so your video on 6 Months of Elm in Production talk really resonated with us! Elm is the "whole package" whereas virtually everything else is a list of ingredients which only partially achieve the benefits of the Elm Architecture/Debugger/Ecosystem and we're really excited to start using Elm for our next client project(s) (for which the client has already signed off on us using Elm+Phoenix and to keep the entire codebase 100% Open Source!!) and we expect to contribute back to the community with improvements to learning resources, PRs with bug-fixes and general evangelism (and even potential remote team members for "NoRedInk", but let's not get ahead of ourselves!! :wink:)

We expect that FEM Elm Workshop/Course will be a catalyst for the expansion of the Elm community in 2017 and we would love to contribute to enhancing it!

Many thanks (again)! Yours in Elm, Inês ( DWYL, Founders & Coders, Ladies Of Code ❤️ ✅ )

Note: We acknowledge that transcribing your FEM lectures could be perceived as a "copyright infringement" by some legal people (who may not "get" why this will enhance the content and not undermine it!) but we would urge anyone who thought that way to consider that by having the verbatim transcriptions more people in the community will be able to follow them which will lead to greater adoption of Elm in 2017. Arguably the improvement in accessibility to elm-workshop will result in more people subscribing to FEM in order to access the Videos in order to accelerate their Elm learning.

rtfeldman commented 7 years ago

Please continue! This is awesome, and I really appreciate that you're doing it. 😻

Congrats on the Elm+Elixir contract, and please drop in and say hi on Elm Slack!

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Hi @rtfeldman / @iteles I really wish I had "more time" to write the transcriptions ... 😞 Sadly, I'm severely Time Poor right now so asking the Elm learners @Foundersandcoders to chip in to help make Elm ubiquitous in 2017!!

I'm offering to pay standard DWYL "Apprentice" Day Rate for anyone who transcribes more than 30 mins including images and links the way I did, so if you commit to helping us make this happen and "need cash to pay rent and eat", invoice us!! Seriously, Elm needs to replace React in 2017!!!!

stevehopkinson commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic I'd poteeeeentially be up for helping with this. My first job to pay the bills in London was as a transcriber so it's something I have some experience of. All depends on my availability though – which could change very quickly!

2cb-log commented 7 years ago

Hi @nelsonic (and @iteles and @rtfeldman), glad I found your issue and day rate offer. Have not done much with Markdown or any transcriptions previously but you've provided enough that I should be able to carry the baton another lap or more.

I've been on the FEM subscription page 2 of the last 4 days hesitating as to whether it would be worthwhile given that no course materials are available once it lapses. As you say, let's remedy that!

iteles commented 7 years ago

@2cb-log I know a couple of people have spoken to me about working on this as well, I'll ask them to post here so that there's no overlap of work as one may already have started!

newswim commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic I'm working through the course now and just saw your sponsorship offer -- I'd like to talk more if that's still on the table!

I would also love to contribute to this and think I could stay on point stylistically.