Closed papajoker closed 9 years ago
I have no experience in using user units in systemd. Can you explain in more detail what you mean?
just the same but for one user
systemctl --user enable notify.timer
systemctl --user status notify
systemctl --user list-timers
all files are in ~/config/ and not in /etc/
after systemctl --user enable ... , the service is not present in kcmsystemd :(
It seems it would be appropriate to add an additional tab with user units. However, there doesn't seem to be a dbus api for the user instance of systemd. Will have to investigate further...
debug tool show me two tabs with Session bus
and System bus
QDBusViewer *sessionBusViewer = new QDBusViewer(QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
The session bus does not contain a systemd service on my system...
Handling of user units has now been implemented. Can you test current master and see if it works correctly on your system?
I've tested yesterday, it works very nice!
I can't test everything because I have white-on-white tooltips; but that's a bug outside of kcmsystemd.
timers --> they should be added to Timers tabThanks for testing. I'm aware of user timers. I'm thinking about how to best implement that. They could be added to the same QTableView as the system timers or in a separate one... I was thinking it's best to add them to the same to avoid excessive tabs and then create an additional column stating whether it's a system or user timer.
Yeah, it's best to keep all timers together, maybe some stock icon is enough as a visual clue to diffenrentiate.
This has now been implemented...
Hi, kcmsystemd does not run with user units ( systemctl --user )