rticommunity / connextdds-py

Connext DDS Python API
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Issue running configure.py from path other than local. #34

Closed huntrontrakkr closed 3 years ago

huntrontrakkr commented 3 years ago


As part of our CI scripting, we are attempting to build-out the library either as a distributable from a CI or in the install script itself for a software package. The issue lies in attempting to run the install script from any other path other than directly within the directory. i.e.:

python ./connextdds-py/configure.py -j 4 -m -d x64Linux4gcc7.3.0

This results in:

  File "./connextdds-py/configure.py", line 381, in <module>
  File "./connextdds-py/configure.py", line 367, in main
  File "./connextdds-py/configure.py", line 215, in update_config
    requires = ast.literal_eval(config.get('build-system', 'requires'))
  File "/home/whunter/anaconda3/envs/dds-server-clone/lib/python3.8/configparser.py", line 781, in get
    d = self._unify_values(section, vars)
  File "/home/whunter/anaconda3/envs/dds-server-clone/lib/python3.8/configparser.py", line 1149, in _unify_values
    raise NoSectionError(section) from None
configparser.NoSectionError: No section: 'build-system'

If there is a good workaround please advise. As always, appreciated.

marc-chiesa commented 3 years ago

There were some relative path issues in configure.py. Please try pulling the latest from the develop branch and see if that resolves your CI issues.

huntrontrakkr commented 3 years ago

That definitely did, thanks! I'll revise my script once the change has been pulled into the main branch.