rticulate / import

An Import Mechanism For R
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Subsequent `import::from` into "imports" does not work #78

Closed hutch3232 closed 11 months ago

hutch3232 commented 11 months ago

Setup: first.R

foo <- function(){


bar <- function(){

Using import 1.2.0:

import::from("first.R", .all = TRUE)
import::from("second.R", .all = TRUE)

exists("foo") && exists("bar")
# [1] TRUE

Using import 1.3.0:

import::from("first.R", .all = TRUE)
import::from("second.R", .all = TRUE)

exists("foo") && exists("bar")
# [1] FALSE

Walking through the code, I can see that bar exists (and lives in import:::scripts$second.R):

# hello

I think use_into is incorrectly returning FALSE in this case. https://github.com/rticulate/import/blob/310bed17e1c42ab2c387bc010261297226764a12/R/from.R#L153-L154

Because use_into is FALSE, the symbol is being placed in pos = -1: https://github.com/rticulate/import/blob/310bed17e1c42ab2c387bc010261297226764a12/R/from.R#L248

I think a possible solution is to revise this line: https://github.com/rticulate/import/blob/310bed17e1c42ab2c387bc010261297226764a12/R/from.R#L150 with:

into_is_env <- tryCatch(expr = is.environment(as.environment(.into)),
                          error = function(cnd) return(FALSE))

This line tests if .into is coercible to an environment, and if it errors, return FALSE.

hutch3232 commented 11 months ago

After looking at this a bit more, I think I've partially identified what change has caused this regression. Under import 1.2.0:

import::from("first.R", .all = TRUE)
# turn on debugger
import::from("second.R", .all = TRUE)
exists(".packageName", parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)

use_into becomes TRUE Under import 1.3.0:

import::from("first.R", .all = TRUE)
# turn on debugger
import::from("second.R", .all = TRUE)
exists(".packageName", parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE)

use_into becomes FALSE

Digging into the changes, nothing stood out to me that would cause this, so I'm a little stumped. https://github.com/rticulate/import/compare/v1.2.0...v1.3.0

hutch3232 commented 11 months ago

Actually I think I realized what's happening. It was the hidden objects change that I introduced: https://github.com/rticulate/import/pull/64 Under import 1.2.0:

import::from("first.R", .all = TRUE)
ls(envir=import:::scripts$first.R, all.names = TRUE)
# [1] ".packageName"      "__last_modified__" "foo"              
> ls(envir=as.environment("imports"), all.names = TRUE)
# [1] "?"   "foo"

Under import 1.3.0:

import::from("first.R", .all = TRUE)
ls(envir=import:::scripts$first.R, all.names = TRUE)
# [1] ".packageName"      "__last_modified__" "foo"              
> ls(envir=as.environment("imports"), all.names = TRUE)
# [1] ".packageName" "?"            "foo"    

The addition of all.names caused .packageName variable to be transferred over when it previously was not. Two possible questions:

  1. Is the creation of .packageName important for something in the from_is_script section?
  2. Or could we just exclude the transfer like is done with __last_modified__?
hutch3232 commented 11 months ago

Opted to go for number (2.), excluding it during the transfer. I initially thought (1.) would be good, because I could not find any past discussion as to why the .packageName functionality was needed, however, I found taking it out broke the S3 methods tests. Option (2.) mimics the behavior of 1.2.0 anyways, the version before the regression.

torfason commented 11 months ago

Fixed in dev and main, will be released to CRAN shortly.