rticulate / import

An Import Mechanism For R
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.S3 doesn't work correctly if class contains a dot (".") #86

Closed bspalat closed 10 months ago

bspalat commented 12 months ago

Hello there and thanks for an awesome package!

I stumbled upon the fact that import(..., .S3 = TRUE) doesn't handle S3 methods for classes like data.frame. Apparently, the class doesn't get processed completely which is even hinted at with a warning. Short example:

# File: module.R
f <- function(x) UseMethod("f")

f.integer <- function(x) TRUE
f.data.frame <- function(x) FALSE

# works here
# f(1L)
# f(data.frame())

but doesn't work when imported:

# File: main.R
import::from(module.R, f, .S3 = TRUE)
# > Warning messages:
# > 1: In assign(paste(genname, class, sep = "."), method, envir = table) :
# >  only the first element is used as variable name
# > 2: In (function (..., deparse.level = 1)  :
# >   number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)

# > Error in UseMethod("f") : 
# > no applicable method for 'f' applied to an object of class "data.frame"

# > [1] f.data*    f.integer*

The feature is labeled as experimental and the above isn't difficult to circumvent, but I suppose the behaviour isn't intentional.

Once again, thanks for all the work :)

torfason commented 12 months ago

Thanks for the report. This clearly has to do with how R resolves ambiguous (more than one period) names into <method>.<class>. Definitely not intentional behavior, and if someone were to contribute a fix in a PR, along with unit tests, I would try to merge it and possibly roll a bugfix release (say 1.3.2). But I personally don't know exactly how to fix this and would probably have to spend some time to figure that out, so I'm unlikely to find the time myself, unfortunately.

J-Moravec commented 10 months ago

Ah, I was wondering why the S3 support failed on me recently and went back to registering manually.

I will research it and fix it.

But note that there might be no way to distinguish between the hypothetical cases mentioned in https://github.com/rticulate/import/pull/65#issue-1213228948

A hypothetical t.test.data.frame might then consist of t generic for the test.data.frame class, t.test generic for the data.frame class and t.test.data generic for the frame class and there is no easy way to resolve this ambiguity.

J-Moravec commented 10 months ago

I was able to find a bug in my original implementation.

Note that we are still assuming that the generics doesn't have a dot in name. This is probably a reasonable assumption for new user-generated generics, but some historical generics might suffer. Users can always identify and register these issues manually.

torfason commented 10 months ago

Awesome, thanks for the fix, we should see this on CRAN within a day or two, se the PR (#87) for detail.