Hi, I have a question regarding this library. I have developed a program in Python that establishes a connection with an EVK-M8T ublox receiver, sends configuration messages to receive RAWX and SFRBX type messages, and then collects the received stream of bytes into a .ubx file (removing NMEA sentences and putting only UBX messages). I would like to be able to generate RINEX files from this file that I generate by collecting the bytes that arrive using the library. is it possible to do this? I have some questions about this, in case it is possible:
Is the UBX file that contains the stream okay like this?
is it possible to generate the .XXo RINEX observations file (where XX is the year of observation) and get several RINEX files for the navigations, one per constellation (for example: .XXn for GPS, .XXg for GLONASS, .XXe for Galileo)?
Is it possibile to choose the RINEX version (3.01 or 3.05)?
If this library is not for me, how could I do it?
I apologize in advance for the triviality of my question, but I really have very little experience in this area. Thank you very much in advance.
Hi, I have a question regarding this library. I have developed a program in Python that establishes a connection with an EVK-M8T ublox receiver, sends configuration messages to receive RAWX and SFRBX type messages, and then collects the received stream of bytes into a .ubx file (removing NMEA sentences and putting only UBX messages). I would like to be able to generate RINEX files from this file that I generate by collecting the bytes that arrive using the library. is it possible to do this? I have some questions about this, in case it is possible:
If this library is not for me, how could I do it? I apologize in advance for the triviality of my question, but I really have very little experience in this area. Thank you very much in advance.