rtomayko / rack-cache

Real HTTP Caching for Ruby Web Apps
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feature request stale_while_revalidate #164

Open enthusiasmus opened 4 years ago

enthusiasmus commented 4 years ago

Hi guys!

We currently use rack-cache in production and we are quite happy with it. We discovered the stale_while_revalidate flag for expires_in in rails (https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/ConditionalGet.html#method-i-expires_in).

Is there any chance rack-cache could support something like this? Returning the cache hit, but also forwarding the request to the rails app for revalidation.

Thanks in advance, best regards, Lukas

grosser commented 4 years ago

sounds reasonable ... PR welcome ... just make sure it does not add overhead for the default usecase :)