rtomayko / tilt

Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
1.95k stars 226 forks source link

Coordinate with users #172

Closed judofyr closed 11 years ago

judofyr commented 11 years ago

These gems currently depend on Tilt (either as a runtime- or development-dependency):

(well, or did. http://gemfamily.info/gems/tilt seems to be out of date)

As a part of the 1.4/2.0-releases I want to get feedback from these users.

We need to trim the list down a bit though:

rkh commented 11 years ago

Sinatra tests on Travis CI always also run against Tilt master.

judofyr commented 11 years ago

Here's the list sorted by download count. I'm going to contact some of these soon:

6437337 - sinatra
5635499 - haml
491039 - slim
457114 - temple
189767 - middleman
166238 - padrino-mailer
165740 - padrino-admin
68849 - sinatra_more
35162 - RTask
32401 - massimo
30214 - sinatra-pages
28661 - representative
28608 - frank
25417 - qed
24609 - rango
24609 - rango
23780 - bonsai
22602 - visage-app
19852 - cuba
17660 - pancake
17070 - shining
14748 - gizmo
12298 - crystal
11344 - pith
10606 - brochure
10002 - sidekick
8566 - plato
7671 - cg
7515 - tokamak
6892 - blammo
6241 - wrapt
6219 - houdini-rails3
6057 - sinatra-mustache
5928 - rack-useragent-filter
5232 - any_view
5209 - relevant-widget
4790 - template-inheritance
4744 - stethoscope
4642 - darkhelmet-sinatra_more
4500 - houdini-rails
3596 - git2epub
2883 - brite
2874 - doculab
2832 - junior
2697 - fluffy_barbarian
2670 - pekky
2623 - rack-rescue
2612 - sinatra-mvc
2429 - primer
2368 - nitrode
2325 - traktor
2202 - www
1904 - html2email
1769 - rails-template-inheritance
1329 - universe-templates
1123 - snack
488 - stagecoach
0 - webme
0 - till
rkh commented 11 years ago

As much as I like Sinatra being at the top of the list: sprockets (aka Rails) is missing.

judofyr commented 11 years ago

No-one really gives a crap about this. I'm just going to release 1.4.0 and see if people complains.

rkh commented 11 years ago

I give a crap. But I also test against master.

judofyr commented 11 years ago

Exactly. Those who give a crap already follows Tilt. Those who doesn't aren't going to listen to my issues. le sigh.