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plot2d legend option shows the wrong label in the list in the presence of everywhere non-numeric expressions #2083

Closed rtoy closed 2 months ago

rtoy commented 2 months ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-05 18:34:41 Created by ebertocchi on 2022-11-17 11:08:21 Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/4046

Tested on Maxima 5.44.0 GCL, see the attached build info.

The plot2d legend option associates the first (second, third...) curve label to the first (second, third...) not "everywhere non-numeric" function, ad not, as possibly expected, to the first (second, third...) function in the list, regardless from the outcome of its numerical evaluation.

A .mac script is attached, which produces the unexpected behaviour.

Sincerely, -- Enrico


rtoy commented 2 months ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-05 18:34:42 Created by ebertocchi on 2022-11-17 11:09:52 Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/4046/#8ef7

One of the attachments disappeared, I reattach it here.


rtoy commented 2 months ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-05 18:34:46 Created by robert_dodier on 2022-11-19 20:54:44 Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/4046/#ce14

rtoy commented 2 months ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-05 18:34:49 Created by robert_dodier on 2022-11-19 20:54:44 Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/4046/#1a56

Hi Enrico, can you try it with the current version (Maxima 5.46.0)? The plotting functions have been updated in recent versions, it's possible the behavior is different.

rtoy commented 2 months ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-05 18:34:53 Created by robert_dodier on 2022-11-20 01:44:23 Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/4046/#fc2c

Okay, I've confirmed the bug is present in Maxima 5.46.0. Here's another example of the same problem:

 plot2d ([x^2, x^3, %i*x^4, %i*x^5, x^6], [x, 0.1, 1], [legend, "y1", "y2", "y3", "y4", "y5"]);

The plot shows legends y1, y2, and y3, instead of y1, y2, and y5.

I will try to see if it is present the current post-5.46 development version.

rtoy commented 2 months ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-05 18:34:56 Created by robert_dodier on 2022-11-20 02:02:28 Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/4046/#1e6e

Okay, the bug is present in the current post-5.46 development version.

rtoy commented 2 months ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-05 18:34:59 Created by tomio-arisaka on 2022-11-24 12:33:03 Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/4046/#7b96

Xmaxima also has the same issue.

(%i2) plot2d ([x^2, x^3, %i*x^4, %i*x^5, x^6], [x, 0.1, 1], [legend, "y1", "y2", "y3", "y4", "y5"], [plot_format, 'xmaxima]);
plot2d: expression evaluates to non-numeric value everywhere in plotting range.
plot2d: expression evaluates to non-numeric value everywhere in plotting range.
(%o2) [/var/folders/58/sd7gn5sn04dc1gg55cmx6vg40000gn/T/maxout27789.xmaxima]

My temporary patches are here:

--- src/gnuplot_def.lisp.orig   2022-11-18 21:45:52.000000000 +0900
+++ src/gnuplot_def.lisp    2022-11-24 05:00:01.000000000 +0900
@@ -503,6 +503,12 @@
           (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (cdr (draw2d f range options))) (cdr fun)))
     (when (= (count-if #'(lambda (x) x) points-lists) 0)
       (merror (intl:gettext "plot2d: nothing to plot.~%")))
+    (let ((legends-new) (legends (getf options :legend)))
+      (unless (null legends)
+        (dotimes (i (length legends))
+          (unless (null (cdr (nth i points-lists)))
+            (push (nth i legends) legends-new)))
+        (setf (getf options :legend) (reverse legends-new))))
      (slot-value plot 'data)
--- src/xmaxima_def.lisp.orig   2022-11-18 21:45:52.000000000 +0900
+++ src/xmaxima_def.lisp    2022-11-24 05:00:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -247,6 +247,12 @@
           (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (cdr (draw2d f range options))) (cdr fun)))
     (when (= (count-if #'(lambda (x) x) points-lists) 0)
       (merror (intl:gettext "plot2d: nothing to plot.~%")))
+    (let ((legends-new) (legends (getf options :legend)))
+      (unless (null legends)
+        (dotimes (i (length legends))
+          (unless (null (cdr (nth i points-lists)))
+            (push (nth i legends) legends-new)))
+        (setf (getf options :legend) (reverse legends-new))))
      (slot-value plot 'data)

I checked the patches with SBCL-2.2.10 on macOS 10.13.

rtoy commented 2 months ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-05 18:35:03 Created by robert_dodier on 2023-02-07 22:29:08 Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/4046/#7b96/2764

Hi Tomio-san, can you please commit the patches? Thanks for working on this problem.

rtoy commented 2 months ago

Imported from SourceForge on 2024-07-05 18:35:06 Created by robert_dodier on 2023-02-09 05:42:51 Original: https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/4046/#9245

Fixed by commit [ 3b71444 ]. Thanks for your help, Tomio. Closing this report.