Unable to receive data in XBee coordinator radio connected to raspberry pi from
Xbee router radio connected to PC.
1. Xbee coordinator radio configurations are as below.
[Connected to Raspberry pi- RPi 3.3 volt to XBee 3.3 volt pin,Ground to XBee ground, Rx to Xbee Tx(Data Out),Tx to XBee Rx (Data In)]
Product family: XB24-ZB
Function set: ZigBee coordinator API
Firmware version: 21A7
Port: COM7 - 9600/8/N/1/N- API 1
Written and not default values
PAN ID: 2001
DH: 13A200
DL: 40D85671 (my router id)
rest all values are default
2. Xbee router configurations are as below
[Connected using XBEE exploere USB to PC and using next Gen X-CTU]
Product family: XB24-ZB
Function set: ZigBee Router AT
Firmware version: 22A7
Port: COM17 - 9600/8/N/1/N- AT
Written and not default values
PAN ID: 2001
rest all values are default (DH & Dl are 0)
3. Running below python script on Raspberry pi to get the data sent by router
import pprint
import serial
import xbee
SERIAL_PORT = '/dev/ttyAMA0'
BAUD_RATE = 9600
ser_port = serial.Serial(SERIAL_PORT, BAUD_RATE)
xbee1 = xbee.zigbee.ZigBee(ser_port)
while True:
data_samples = xbee1.wait_read_frame()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Pleas help me to make it work...
Original issue reported on code.google.com by gunjal.s...@gmail.com on 23 May 2015 at 11:58
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 23 May 2015 at 11:58