rtreharne / fizzynewt

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Build Simple Interface for Staff to set up a session #3

Open stmball opened 3 years ago

stmball commented 3 years ago


rtreharne commented 3 years ago

Brill. Thanks for writing up these tasks as issues @stmball. Will start on the models and update you with progress.

rtreharne commented 3 years ago

Just created the following models:

stmball commented 3 years ago

Not sure I can see any of those changes - which branch did you push them to?

I've created a new branch simple_staff for all the frontend stuff for the simple code generation. It doesn't have any of the backend or frontend talking to backend logic in yet although I may get started on this after going for a run!

rtreharne commented 3 years ago

I pushed them to "main". Can you see it? Will merge my changes to "simple_staff" and re-push.

stmball commented 3 years ago

Yep - I see now! It's probably best to use the rule of "new function, new branch" - helps keep things more organised + stops us pushing test branches to the main project. Want to talk today?

rtreharne commented 3 years ago

OK. I've created a View and Serializer for the Log model (although not sure I should be calling it log as the model represents a unique code object - a "fizzy newt" code). Am I right in thinking that you can make a post to this too?