rtrouton / profiles

Management profiles for OS X / macOS
MIT License
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Successful Install? #10

Closed strikeing789d closed 3 years ago

strikeing789d commented 3 years ago


I downloaded the config file and it installed successfully and worked on one computer. However on another computer it installed successfully but I can still open blacklisted apps no problem. What am I doing wrong?

Both computers are running the same os version.

rtrouton commented 3 years ago

If it worked fine on the one computer but not on the second, that indicates an issue with the second computer.

strikeing789d commented 3 years ago

@rtrouton Thank you for the reply. What do you think it could be? If it says it was installed "successfully" what can cause something so simple as a blacklist to not work? The computers are all cloned from one another...and are identical minus Mac addresses and serial numbers. I just don't understand why it would not work and yes I restarted....several times.

UpDev1010 commented 3 years ago

Hi Would you kindly let me know how to install plist file in mac os?
