rtyler / vagrant-plugin

An experimental Vagrant plugin for Jenkins
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Fails with virtualbox 4.2 (which newer vagrant versions support) #23

Open rwstauner opened 11 years ago

rwstauner commented 11 years ago

Because the plugin embeds a fork of an older version of vagrant it's missing newer features like support for VirtualBox 4.2

If the patch is still needed perhaps the branch can be rebased onto the current stable vagrant?

Or is there a way to tell the plugin to use an alternate vagrant or even an alternate virtualbox?

Running Vagrant with version: 1.0.2.dev
Vagrantfile loaded, bringing Vagrant box up for the build
FATAL: (VirtualBoxInvalidVersion) Vagrant has detected that you have a version of VirtualBox installed
that is not supported. Please install one of the supported versions
listed below to use Vagrant:

4.0, 4.1
cwerner1 commented 11 years ago

I updated the vagrant library to 1.0.6.dev and created a snapshot


install the hpi-file manually

drangons commented 10 years ago

I wish to use 1.1+.dev version of vagrant library. Is it possible ? . Could you please provide details on how to achieve this

lefred commented 10 years ago

+1 would be nice to let the plugin use the system's vagrant, the latest stable version is 1.3.5