rtyler / vagrant-plugin

An experimental Vagrant plugin for Jenkins
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Upgrade to Vagrant 1.2.2 #33

Open aberrios85 opened 11 years ago

aberrios85 commented 11 years ago

Any chance the plugin can be upgraded to version 1.2.2 of Vagrant? Current plugin doesn't like the Vagrantfiles currently created with 1.2.2

hcguersoy commented 10 years ago

+1 for this May the problem is that vagrant 1.2.x doesn't comes via gems anymore and has to be "installed". May there is a way to call vagrant 1.2.x via jruby?

aberrios85 commented 10 years ago

I used this fork, its works quite nicely: https://github.com/smartlogic/vagrant-plugin and forked it again locally. I'll try and upload my fork to github next week.

hcguersoy commented 10 years ago

Pls give'n sign here then you upload your fork.

drangons commented 10 years ago

+1 This would be helpful

jwmarshall commented 10 years ago

Any update on this? I've tried compiling and installing @aberrios85 version of the plugin that should support 1.2.2 but it did not work for me. Furthermore I need the plugin to support for vagrant plugins and building a specific box name. Any help is appreciated!

hcguersoy commented 10 years ago


now I'm using vagrant out of Jenkins with the help of the shell executor. The only thing you have to take care is that jenkins will kill all processes started by a job. But you can override this using a "hidden feature" by setting an environment variable called "BUILD_ID".


export BUILD_ID=dontKillMe
vagrant up --no-provision
vagrant provision

This will start a VM using vagrant but don't stop it. If you have to stop the vm in an another job you have to link to the .vagrant directory of the provisioning job.

jwmarshall commented 10 years ago

The problem is not that I need to vagrant boxes to stick around, the problem is that we build lots of boxes for various git-flow branches as well as all pull requests. Sometimes these boxes fail and are not stopped/destroyed properly. I'm working on a bash script that will trap the exit codes and cleanup after these types of failures. It might still require your BUILD_ID environment variable in some cases, so thank you for that bit of information.

FWIW this plugin worked great with the previous versions of jenkins and vagrant.